Candidate Data Appearing in the Ballot

2020 ISOCARP Elections and AGM
   2020 Elections
      Election of President
      Election of Board Members
   2020 Annual General Meeting
      Motion A
      Motion B
      Motion C
      Motion D
      Motion E
      Motion F
      Motion G
      Motion H
      Motion I
      Motion J

Poll Group: 2020 ISOCARP Elections and AGM

Poll Group: 2020 Elections

Poll: Election of President
Pietro Elisei

I have been a member of ISOCARP for 17 years now, I still remember vividly the strong emotions I experienced during my first congress in 2003 in Cairo. Some of the people I met on that occasion became first of all dear friends, but also important references for collaborations and international cooperation projects. I deeply love the internationalist spirit and the open-mindedness of those who built and perpetuate the history of our society.

Maintaining and innovating this enormous heritage of knowledge, relationships, ideas, projects, and last but not least, of conviviality and sharing between international experts is not an easy task, as I was able to experience directly as an ExCo member from 2013 to 2015. I remember how difficult has been to introduce social media into ISOCARP's everyday life and improving our website, ultimately benefited our community, but it took a lot of time and energy.

So, I'm not a new face of ISOCARP, I know the workings of our society without aspiring to positions of power and status. Giving my time to ISOCARP means working for ideas that enthuse me. Above all, it means listening and searching to realise the requests, directions and objectives that we are able to generate as a community of planners.

At this difficult historical moment we are experiencing, organisations need to rethink and transform themselves in the hope to increase their resilience, but also to increase their degree of attractiveness and their capacity to help and influence the debates related to their fields of action. This same critical path should be undertaken as soon as possible by ISOCARP:

1. We cannot continue to consider ourselves a global society if we do not also put into practice a federalist type of governance. It is not pertinent to continue to centralise the management of ISOCARP, an alternative model has to be conceived.

2. Consequently, the internal management of our society needs to be rethought and reorganised. We need to move from management on a voluntary basis and without protocols that guarantee the effectiveness and transparency of executive and strategic choices to an innovative, professional and more receptive organisational model.

3. The relationship between ISOCARP, as a professional society, and the ISOCARP INSTITUTE should be regularised. The INSTITUTE must become a centre of excellence for issues relating to urban policies and sustainable development of the territory and not narrow opportunities. Such excellence can be achieved through diversification, greater inclusion and structuring with clear benefits for the membership.

4. Member services, indeed, still remain an Achilles heel of our society. What is the added value of ISOCARP membership? How can we become attractive again? The membership aspect is critical and is a priority to be addressed that has too many times been postponed or addressed with solutions that have not had visible positive effects.

5. We need to increase the degree of intergenerational and intercultural dialogue in connection with our initiatives, be they congresses, projects, events, online contributions on our website, publications or other activities.

In conclusion, a few words about me. I manage a company that deals with applied research and strategic planning (URBASOFIA), I live in Bucharest in Romania. I have collaborated, and continue to do so, with several European cities, ministries, regions as an international expert. I cooperate with international institutions (European Commission: URBACT and UIA Secretariats, UN-Habitat, UNECE) in important planning and research tasks.

Choosing me as president means choosing a person who always seeks mediation, but who does not like compromises disguised as innovation to leave everything as it is.
Pirouz Hanachi

It is a great honor for me to address you in my statement for the presidency of ISOCARP.

I am Pirouz Hanachi, the current Mayor of Tehran, capital city of Iran.

My educational background is in Architecture and Urban Studies and I received my PhD in Urban and Historical Cities Renewal. During the past years, I have served in many positions related to urban planning such as deputy-dean of College of Fine Arts (University of Tehran), Chairman of Research and Studies Center and Deputy for Architecture and Urban Affairs (Ministry of Roads and Urban Development), Vice-President for Architecture and Urban Development (High Council of Architecture and Urban Development of Iran) and Deputy-Mayor of Tehran for Urban Development and Architecture (Tehran Municipality).

I have a strong belief in working together to make the world where we like to live. In the current stage of my administration, I am Co-President of United Cities and Local Governments- Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) and Member of Metropolis Board of Directors. Also, Tehran is founder of Asian Mayors Forum and a lead city in Mayors for Peace. These are the examples of efforts made for networking in order to interact with other cities, organizations, institutes and individuals to exchange information and develop professional or social relations.

We need to take advantage of potentials of individual and institutional actors. This is the reason I am announcing my nomination for ISOCARP presidency. If elected, I plan on expanding the network and making sure that we are reaching our full potential. Tehran’s motto is “Tehran, a city for all” which is completely in line with the objective of SDGs; leaving no one behind. Not only including all as target groups of our programs, but also including all in finding most effective ways to educate and plan.

Today, the world has faced with a new global challenge: the outbreak of COVID19. It has changed all aspects of our social and professional life, including our view on urban affairs and how our cities and regions can answer the needs of citizens in times of crisis. Although this has been a great challenge, I see this as an opportunity for capacity building. Together, we can ensure that we are ready to embrace the change and opportunities that arise from difficulties.

Since I took over the office of the Mayor of Tehran, I have actively tried to not only put my knowledge and experience into use, but also to create an environment in which for all my colleagues can become their best version to serve the citizens. Now what I offer to ISOCARP and its esteemed members is that I will try to expand the ISOARP network and activities and facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the members in this big and great network of urban planners to stay unique and inclusive.

I wish health and prosperity for you and hope to be honored with your votes to take our partnership one step further.

Poll: Election of Board Members
Abdul Husaini

As a town planner in the public sector of a developing country for over two decades, I witnessed the gap between the practice of town planning and its theory. The institutions for the training of planners and the existing strategies for managing cities in developing countries are inadequate for 21st century cities. With my understanding of the fact that economic development in an unplanned environment is not only difficult but might be impossible to achieve. This clearly underscores the need for us to institutionalize planning in African economic development strategies. As a planner with the government, I realized the long-term effect of unplanned urban growth thus championed the initiation of community planning with native landowners, where we planned a number of areas and succeeded in providing order to the city of Minna. I also led the effort for the acknowledgment of Minna as a Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) on ESD and World Council on City Data. I’m a Fellow of both the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners and Nigerian Environmental Society. I present myself to serve in the Board of ISOCARP to contribute in the globalization of usable urban and regional planning practice.
Daniele Vettorato

I served the Society on a fully voluntary basis for the last 3 years in its Board, starting-up the ISOCARP Institute Foundation, the “projects” branch of ISOCARP Society.

At the beginning of my mandate, the Institute was an empty box.

In the past three years, I actively worked to make it an internationally recognized entity, promoting research projects, capacity buildings programs and Technical Assistance. ISOCARP Institute is now able to combine academic and practitioners’ knowledge, running many projects with 4 full-time staff members. It brings an added value to the Society both in terms of visibility and financially: it stages regular donations to the Society, it funds its staff and it reinvests its growing average 300.000€/year turnover in ISOCARP Society Activities (Annual Congress, documentary platforms etc.)

Now that its start-up phase is over, we need to focus on improvements: better transparency, equal access to opportunities, strengthening partnerships, refining the governance structure under the direction of ISOCARP Society. This will boost the Institute’s great potential in terms of services to its members, and possibly attract funding from big Donors (European Commission, World Bank, BID, African Bank, Asian Bank etc…) to implement world-changing projects.

I would like to put again my expertise at ISOCARP’s disposal for the next 3 years.
Elisabeth Belpaire

I am committed to ISOCARP’s important role: I co-founded the Community of Practice on Urban Health; co-chair the Health an Inclusive Urban Environment Track of WPC’20-21; contribute to the Global State of National Urban Planning; and mentor in the Mentor Student Research Lab. Based in Geneva, with easy access to organizations and events with the opportunity to contribute urban planning solutions for a healthy and equitable world.

I bring over 25 years of urban®ional planning experience: integrated urban planning in Belgium, France and Switzerland; sustainable development and disaster risk reduction with UN-Habitat in Vietnam; management of post-conflict programmes and establishment of a new strategic planning system in Kosovo; development of a regional capacity building Instrument addressing informal settlements with governments in South-East Europe; regeneration of historical centres in the West Bank; design of a Foundation’s strategy for cities to support healthy child development. Here is my TEDx talk from last year.

At a critical time for human societies and our planet, I want to further enable ISOCARP in pushing the boundaries of critical themes across sectors: health, youth, climate change, public space, gender, diversity, inequity; spanning private and public sectors, civil society and universities. Co-creating and collaborating, I want us to realize opportunities to promote new ideas.
Eric Huybrechts

ISOCARP should increase its position within the international networking. I am involved in Habitat Professional Forum of UN-Habitat (member), World Urban Campaign of UN-Habitat (Lead partner), Metro-Hub (contributions), P4CA/UN-Habitat (member), Metropolis association (expert member), Metropolitan and territorial Planning agencies (MTPA founding member), ICOMOS-International (a member of SDG-WG), Climate Heritage network (member), Climate change (co-leader for regional planning). I can put my networking capacities to extend ISOCARP position.

ISOCARP should renew its vision of City and regional planning. A new paradigm should be defined for planners, taking into account pandemics, climate change, financialization of urban development to innovate for inclusive, sustainable, secure and resilient cities. It should mobilize academicians, professionals and city managers to propose a new vision that intégrate informal areas, regulate the financialization of cities, promote nature-based solutions, circular economy and social inclusion.

International activities should be developed to deliver key messages on the new paradigm: pilot projects through Isocarp Institute and UPATs; new concept to deliver through Isocarp Academy, Isocarp review, Awards and annual Congresses; new training for young professionals through YPP.

The existing position of Isocarp is exceptional. ISOCARP can take the lead of planner professional associations worldwide.
Garfield Hunter

Garfield is from Kingston, Jamaica, where he is an Urban Planning Consultant and Adjunct Professor. He has over 13 years of academia and industry experience in urban and regional planning in Small Island Development States (SIDS), Asia (India and China), and Europe (Italy). In 2019, Garfield completed a Ph.D. in Engineering (Urban and Rural Planning) from Tongji University, Shanghai, China. His research and professional practice seek to integrate governance and social equity considerations in the built environment, sustainability, and climate change planning. Garfield was a Young Professional Planner (YPP) at the 52nd ISOCARP Congress in Durban, South Africa.

As a Board Member of ISOCARP, Garfield’s central platform will increase membership and active participation from professional planners, especially those located in the global south. Through this representation, he will seek to bridge gaps and build networking capacity and collaboration to extend ISOCARP’s reach.
Gero Suhner

The world is full of challenges.

To help shape the built environment, to create better cities and regions, to contribute to more social justice - these were my reasons to pursue my professional career in planning.

International networking and communication are essential prerequisites for advancing the planning profession. This is why it is so important that ISOCARP exists as a worldwide association of professional planners. With my candidacy I would like to take on responsibility and make an active contribution to this unique society.

I was born and raised in Germany, educated in Great Britain and have a wide range of global and multicultural experience. As a planner with architectural background, I work as assistant professor (Akademischer Rat) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in the field of sustainable urban and regional development. Before joining academia, I worked as urban planner for the Munich city administration, where I was responsible for climate protection and climate adaptation in urban redevelopment, and as freelance architectural and urban designer.

I know the many sides of urban and regional planning from different perspectives and would like to share my knowledge and experience with the members of our society.
Hongyang Wang

Reinventing Planning, Reuniting Civilization! In 2020, as an eight-year ISOCARP member and a 2019-2020 Fulbright Program Chinese visiting professor from Nanjing University to CUNY, New York, I feel very proud that ISOCARP is a firmly united Society despite our desperately divided world. This drives me to think how ISOCARP should contribute more to fix the division of civilization, the most urgent task for our planet in post-COVID-19 era to my opinion. In implementing UN 2030 Agenda aiming at “cities for all”, ISOCARP should be a proactive platform and information center to reunite all for a mutual-understanding, mutual-caring and optimal holisticity (rather than a black-and-white) world. My theoretical research and practice on holistic planning philosophy and methodology, and cross-civilization cooperation (Co-Director, NJU-UPE Sino-French Center for Urban, Regional and Planning Studies; Co-Director, NJU-Technion China-Israel Planning Innovation Center; a member of UN-Habitat Expert Group preparing International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning) can help to contribute to this vision. And my ISOCARP experiences (2012 ISOCARP Awards for Excellence winner, General Rapporteur 2017 Portland Congress, ISOCARP Scientific Committee and many more concrete participations including representing ISOCARP to speak on UNESCO, ESCAP, DP platforms) allow me to understand how great the potential our Society owns.
Islam Bouzguenda

I’m an award-winning Architect/Planner with more than 7 years of experience. I hold a PhD in Environmental Analysis and Regional Planning. My areas of interest include smart and sustainable cities, social sustainability, digital co-planning, and, digital governance. My expertise ranges from working with European governmental organizations in the participatory planning sector, working with academic organizations in research and, to working as an architect within consulting firms in the GCC region. As an activist in the field, I’m currently involved as a CoP member on urban innovation at ISOCARP working within the steering committee on the “101 urban innovation” project. I consider myself a good team player, a quick learner, and a detail-oriented person. I believe that by being part of the Board, I would play an important role to reinforce the interest of the middle-eastern community in the society, either by increasing memberships or partnerships with leading organizations. I understand that with an increased collaboration comes income, the lifeblood of any organization. As a board member, I will strive to find those enthusiastic stakeholders who will work to make ISOCARP the premier society to join and stay active in for life.
Johan van den Berg

Johan van den Berg studied architecture, urban design and government management. He has worked for 23 years for the government. He has been self-employed for a year and designs urban concepts and strategies for sustainable urban developments. He has a pronounced ecological approach and always guides decisions in all aspects to arrive at sustainable solutions: climate robust, social and natural inclusive.

Johan wishes to commit to ISOCARP so we can share open-source solutions on a global scale, without dominance from so-called better developed areas. Solutions come from new alliances, new combinations and especially from listening, listening to each other with a focus on the implementation of solutions.

ISOCARP facilitates, shares knowledge and puts its finger on the wound and subsequently activates solutions. Johan wants to participate in this project and get involved.
Juanee Cilliers

As the Curator of the ISOCARP Cyber Agora I was given the opportunity to help strengthen communication and collaboration networks within (and beyond) the society. I am committed to support ISOCARP in further developing this global interaction platform, in attempt to 1) provide more benefits to current ISOCARP members in terms of collaboration opportunities, altruistic relations and media exposure and 2) communicate the work and innovative thinking of ISOCARP and its members on a global platform to increase the visibility and impact of the society.

My experience as a Professional Planner, along with my passion for science communication, can contribute to the mission and objections of ISOCARP, specifically in terms of 1) encouraging the professional exchange of knowledge, 2) developing and maintaining altruistic relations between members and 3) enhancing public awareness.

The Cyber Agora platform and impact thereof, as well as the “collaborative publication potential” within the society, are two core aspects that I would like to put energy into. As a lifelong member of ISOCARP I am committed to the success and resilience of the society.
Kanu Kingsley

As a member of Nigerian institute of town planners Abuja chapter in Nigeria, I'm currently undergoing a Ph.D research on Spatial Analysis of Hosing Quality and Household Income in Satellite Towns of Abuja Federal Capital Territory.

The election into the Board of ISOCARP will afford me the opportunity to engage with other professionals on critical planning issues towards making our cities liveable and sustainable. According to United Nations, by 2050, 70 percent of the world’s population will be urban, making cities critical vehicles for achieving a sustainable future for the world.

Furthermore, cities and towns face challenges of slum and squatter settlements, housing, expansion and dominance of the informal sector, climate change and environmental degradation, unplanned peri-urban expansion coupled with social and political conflict over land resources. If cities are to play their role as drivers of economic and social development, these challenges have to be addressed through effective planning and governance, engaging in ICT and Internet of Things (IoT) or smart cities. Therefore, going forward, partnership with relevant stakeholders and constant engagement on policy/programmes formulation and implementation will address the challenges of our our towns and cities.
Khairul Nisa Haron

The election for the Board Member for ISOCARP is a platform for me to channel my passion in creating and contributing towards a stronger, competent and passionate network of global professional planners who thrive towards one common goal; the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030.

I'm a licensed town planner with 13 years of experience both government and private sectors in Malaysia producing masterplans, strategic plans and sustainable development programs (previously Local Agenda 21). I’ve also been utilizing my skills, knowledge and experience to contribute to the society and community in different environmental, social and community causes thru volunteering as I believe that anyone and everyone can make a change no matter the magnitude; all it takes is a little effort.

I believe by running as ISOCARP’s Board Member allows me contribute to the Society, work vigorously in the members’ interests, promote new ideas, improve the Society from within the organisation and assist in building the Society’s effectiveness in staying relevant in a competitive world amongst other professional societies and path a way for me to contribute towards the development of the next generation of planners in keeping up with the evolving and unexpected global challenges that planners face today.
Kristof Van Assche

If I am elected to the board, I would try to encourage further internationalization of the profession, in practice and in thinking, and this would entail for me a critical but positive attitude towards best practices, recognized planning ideas which could be useful elsewhere, but also the broadening of the discussion, and of the scope of planning, an openness to a variety of practices (both in rich and poorer countries) not yet recognized as planning, and ideas from neighboring disciplines which can be useful for planning. This can enhance both the position of planning in the broader fields of governance and development, and it can enhance those fields.
Madina Junussova

I am Madina Junussova, an active member of ISOCARP from Central Asia. I have a PhD in Public Policy, more than 10 years of international experience in planning practice and 15 years of academic & research experience. I am a Researcher at the Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia and a Teaching Fellow at the CERGE-EI Foundation.

I am ready to allocate my time to work closely with other Board members to create a strong development team and to contribute to the post-COVID recovery of our society. As the unique global community of planners, it is our task to propose novel and engaging responses to development challenges posed by COVID-19. It is an excellent opportunity to start up an active virtual exchange of international planning knowledge and practical skills.

As a Board member, I will do my best to promote the expertise of our members and enable them to transfer their unique knowledge to countries lacking adequate urban and regional planning instruments. I will do my best to attract funding for setting up online webinars, public lectures, seminars, planning courses, and other capacity-building activities to be delivered by our members.
Michael Stott

I am pleased to accept the nomination to join the ISOCARP board. I have been an active member and advocate of the society for several years and feel now is the time to turn my attention to helping evolve our membership, resolve as an organisation and reinvigorate ISOCARP’s role as a global leader for change. I have had the great privilege of participating in a number of ISOCARP UPATs, YPPs, congresses, design charrettes and related activities and would like to continue to grow this aspect of our membership through my participation on the board.

With an extensive international career in urban design, placemaking, strategy development and planning, I am ready to turn my focus to be involved with a board and society where their mission and values directly resonate with me and where I can deliver value through leveraging my industry experience, extensive international network and leadership expertise. To the ISOCARP board I offer technical expertise and a true understanding, passion, and enthusiasm which will be leveraged to find unique solutions to difficult problems.

Please feel free to join me on LinkedIn.
Milena Ivkovic

ISOCARP is an extraordinary Society of urban planners from around the world, cultivating the exchange of planning knowledge in a unique, open way. I am proud to have been able to support this core value in my tenure as Board Member between 2017 and 2020.

In this past period I have successfully continued UPAT activities. I represented Society’s achievements at the high-level international events and governing bodies where I strongly advocated for acknowledgment of planners’ role in reaching the SDGs.

Diversifying membership, forging cross-sectoral alliances, progressive capacity building, innovation in urban research, as well as in events and publications formulas – this is my strategic vision for the years ahead.

The pandemic still burdens every aspect of urban life, and there is much to do on the “pathway to recovery” for our cities and regions. In the past few months, I worked diligently to ensure the continuation of the Society’s activities online, enabling a wide international dialogue on planning disruption, public space crisis and need for adequate housing.

I respectfully ask for your vote to continue as the Board Member. With your support I can pursue further expanding of Society’s outreach, it’s relevance and knowledge excellence.
Nguyen Do Dzung

The fastest growing cities reside in Asia; at the same time, the biggest problems of urbanism – pollution, inequality, poverty, public health, climate change – are also most stark in the rapidly developing cities of Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and more.

As a planner and educator who has been involved intimately in the design and development of cities across Asia in the past decade, I see the immense potential of ISOCARP to enhance its networks and standing in Southeast Asia and Asia at large. If elected, I will make it my mission as a board member to ensure a flourishing relationship between the existing networks of ISOCARP and the Asian planning world, especially Vietnam Planning Association and various provincial governments, through conferences, intellectual exchanges, trainings for emerging planners, as well as the production of insightful and innovative scholarship that combines the wisdom of both worlds of planning. I will bring to the table my networks and decades of experience of planning in Asia, with a passion to further enhance the impact and positioning of ISOCARP and its members.
Ntombenhle Ndwandwe

I Ntombenhle Duduzile Ndwandwe, hereby accept the nomination to serve as Board Member of the ISOCARP. It serves as a great Honour to extend my skills expertise and experience within the Urban Planning sector, as a radical, innovative and driven Young Urban Planner. In the age that requires Wit and Creativity; the culture of innovation and critical thinking cannot be undermined. We need not to look back, nor forward about what now presents; we need innovative solutions that speak to sustainable transformation which serves as the basis for firm foundations. It is this foundation I believe I will gratefully serve as a Board Member. With me as a team player; I can only promise- Execution of Innovative Ideas in our Cities. I am everything #GreenPlanningandDevelopment.
Pirouz Hanachi

Currently serving as the Mayor of Tehran, capital city of Iran, it is a great honor for me to address you in my statement for candidacy in ISOCARP Board.

My educational background is in Architecture and Urban Studies and I received my PhD in Urban and Historical Cities Renewal. During the past years, I have served in many positions, most of them related to urban planning.

I have a strong belief in working together to make the world where we like to live. In the current stage of my administration, I am Co-President of UCLG-MEWA and Member of Metropolis Board of Directors. Also, Tehran is founder of Asian Mayors Forum and a lead city in Mayors for Peace. These are the examples of efforts made for networking in order to interact with other cities, organizations, institutes and individuals to exchange information and develop professional or social relations.

What I offer to ISOCARP and its esteemed members is that I will try to put my knowledge and experience into action in order to expand the ISOARP network and facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the members in this big and great network of urban planners that to stay unique and inclusive.
Rajendra Kumar

I am a practicing architect based in New Delhi, India and director of the School of Architecture, Noida International University, Greater Noida. Awarded as "Global Education Influencer 2020" by world renowned publication, and also awarded for “Indian Young Achievers Award”. I graduated from the Chandigarh College of Architecture, India with postgraduate degree from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

As an ISOCARP member, I worked on number of initiatives for YPPs, Congress team, MSRL research projects and many other occasions. I am a member of CTBUH, USA. I worked in Spain, Italy, China, UAE.

My interests are environmentally sensitive architecture and ecological projects. I was invited and delivered talks on many national and international forums on various issues related to cities, social issues, sustainable environment etc. Articles are published in newspapers, magazines in India, Italy, Spain, Russia. Actively involved in academic and have been a jury member of many competitions. My works have been exhibited in many exhibitions and event in India and Abroad. With my association as member of ISOCARP, I would like to extend my sincere help for extending ISOCARP’s activities in Asia and develop newer relations with various countries of Asia and Europe.
Roy Adams

I have always been fascinated by cities – how they function, the quality of life that they offer, the problems and opportunities which they create, and the impacts they have on our world. Working across cities big and small, during 4 decades, as a chartered urban planner and, ultimately, as Chief Executive responsible for one of Europe's largest consultancy firms (BDP – Building Design Partnership), offered great opportunities to research, advise, enthuse, originate and implement to improve the urban condition in towns and cities across the UK, Ireland, France and elsewhere. I worked as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2005 for services to disadvantaged communities in north Belfast, as well as an independent consultant on development strategies for the Comoros Islands and the historic city of Jericho in Palestine; this latter project received the RTPI's International Award for Planning Excellence (2018). Very impressed by the evolution and impact of ISOCARP, it would be an honour to be elected to the Governing Board.
Rudger Smook

Since I did my PhD with Isocarp founder Sam van Embden I am a member of the precious Society. I saw it growing and gradually getting more complicated in structure.

Now the time has come for a 'new leap forward'. 1. Extending the scientific weight of the organisation by focussing on the production of publications. 2. Getting involved in the international (political) debate on planning issues. 3. Promoting a better exchange of contacts between members local and international. 4. Slimming the organisational structure of Isocarp. 5. Reducing the number of large conferences (biannually?).
Sebnem Hoskara

I am a tenured professor of Architecture and Urbanism (Urban Design) at the Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU). I have been the Director of EMU Urban Research and Development Center (URDC) since 2014. I am also the newly assigned Director of the Executive Board of EMU Press. I worked as a Visiting Professor at University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) as the Interim Director of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) Graduate Programs between 1 September 2018 - 31 May 2019 and I was the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at EMU between October 2010 – October 2016. My main research interests are on Architectural and Urban Design Education, Urban Morphology, Sustainable Urbanism, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Conservation of Industrial Heritage in Cyprus. My recent projects are 'EMU Campus Master Planning' and 'Urban Design & Conservation Guidelines in Alsancak Village, Kyrenia'.

I have been following ISOCARP online through social media and its website for a year and I have recently become a member. I would like to serve and support ISOCARP as a Board Member carrying out my experiences at both administrational and academic levels to the Society.
Shi Nan

I, Shi Nan from China, in the midst of COVID 19, am prepared to serve the Society as a Board member.

Too many challenges, from climate change to planning innovations, from poverty to regional gap, from gender discrimination to inequal access to health services, need to be discussed and elaborated at this most important international platform. As a former VP for 2 terms and the Editor of 6 volumes of ISOCARP Review, plus my personal urban and regional planning experiences in this most populous and fast urbanizing country, I am qualified to help reshape ISOCARP into a much stronger and smarter organization. To implement SDG 11 and New Urban Agenda, which I personally participated in the drafting of, we need solidarity and collaboration, urgent professional solutions to address global urban issues, local initiatives and actions as well. All necessary and potential resources would be mobilized to support the Society’s goals in this regard. It’s my responsibility to help ISOCARP expand its existence in China and beyond. One congress and UPATs, YPPs and more projects will be promising.

Every member has the power to change. Give me your hand, I am standing by to serve your interests.
Solvere Lim

Solvéré wish to share, provide complementary strength to assist, unite our members to ascend higher, broader frontiers. Crisp, vivid reasonings convinced and effected major advances. China effected 100 million population clusters in 4 regions as suggested, while One-hour reach (300km by train) become the planning radius. Today, fewer are working in heavy polluting factories. Most jobs are in service, culture, light manufacturing, which can be located closer to home, drastically reduce peak traffic. By further converging pedestrians to comfortable passage, we create high commercial values corridors - create jobs that drives economy; Promotes interactions that improve social harmony. This was immediately chosen to be placed in Handbook, Urban and Territorial Planning, UTP, UN Habitat. Drafted and filed 10 patents that help planners achieve more effective and elegant, maintainable and configurable buildings, water way, roads, etc. Published six books, classified by Singapore National Library as “Philosophy, Solvere” and marked as SOL(LKY), SOL(SRN) the initials of first Prime Minister and sixth President. Fifth book – Poems was to world leaders sent by Malaysian Leader Dr Mahathir as “Broadway out of ALL Crises”.
Tanvi Grover

I am Tanvi Grover and I am an Indian Architect and Urban Designer. I teach architecture students design and I work to make places where people can live, eat, grow and learn. I have had the privilege of growing up in one of the most successful attempts of planning in a city, a place called Chandigarh. Other than that, I have had the privilege of living in many other cities all over the world over the years for different durations of time. What is even better is to be able to influence change in shaping cities towards a more inclusive, sustainable future. While attending and organizing workshops in cities of Europe, South America, and India, I have watched state, citizens and their designers engage in dialogues towards more compassionate cities. I believe that through continuous dialogue and exchange of knowledge there can be a change and shift in the design shaping our cities. The key is in bringing different aspects and points of view and then leading with it towards change. My forte has always been getting different people to the table to engage in discussions and as a board member of ISOCARP I hope to bring that to front.
Tijana Tufek-Memisevic

I’m an architect originally from Sarajevo, BiH living in Chicago, USA. I obtained my PhD in architecture and urbanism from the Cracow University of Technology, Poland. Apart from working as an architect in Sarajevo, I also worked in academia and taught courses related to landscape and urban design, organized international conferences on urban development, mentored students, held keynote lectures and published several research articles. I was a member of the Green Council in BiH, and currently a member of BHAAAS. I’m doing independent research and own a multidisciplinary design company. My general research revolves around TOD’s and the impact of urban form on sustainable urban development.

I’m passionate about socio-spatial justice. By living and working both in a highly developed country as well as a country in transition dealing with a post-war legacy, I have a clear understanding of the various forms of spatial segregation and their negative impact on the future of societies. I strongly believe that even small urban design interventions can generate safe and livable places and communities.

I am enthusiastic about serving the ISOCARP society as board member and as such I will strive to support policies and projects that strengthen the community’s role in creating sustainable, inclusive, livable and lovable places.
Yifan Yu

Dr. Yifan Yu, is a professor of Urban Planning at Tongji University. She obtained her PhD from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (France) in 2003, visited GSD at Harvard University (USA) as a senior research fellow during 2013-2014. She serves as the overseas research fellow at Paris Sorbonne University (France), a member of the Planning Standardization committee and Scientific committee of Ministry of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, as well as vice president of the Shanghai Urban Planning Association. Focusing on urban renewal, healthy city and Age-friendly city, Prof. Yu has published more than 80 articles and published three books. She founded and has led the Aging City Lab of Tongji University since 2014. She has won honorary titles such as Outstanding Scholar of the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2007, Outstanding Scholar of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission in 2006, and Outstanding Woman in Shanghai in 2016. She is also a recipient of over 20 awards of the best practices of urban planning and design at the national and local level. I would help ISOCARP members get more understandings about Chinese cities and wish the world hear more female planners’ voice.
Zeynep Gunay

Since 2017, I have been serving the Society, as the Director of YPP, to create a dialogue platform to question how planning transforms itself into a manifestation to conceptualize and intervene in the everyday life of its community, while decreasing the distance from the real world to increase interdisciplinary, experiential, critical and creative thinking. My desire more than ever is to continue this unique role in leaving an influential and inspiring footprint on the way to rethink and reinvent planning beyond limits through the power of collaboration and cocreation in the production and transfer of knowledge. I hope my contribution to our Society since 2017 will be a proof of my future commitment - the preservation of the strength of ISOCARP as a critical medium of knowledge transfer by respecting to the traditional societal values, while searching always for the unconventional: new potentials, new paths, new commitments, always with the Society, the Board and our future society.

It was 2008 when I entered into ISOCARP’s fascinating world as a young planning professional. The valuable and unquestionable support, trust and motivation from this unique society have been guiding my academic and professional life since then. I have learned a lot, and I am continuing to do so. So, this is my turn now one more time to pay back my debt with great gratitude.

Poll Group: 2020 Annual General Meeting

Poll: Motion A



Poll: Motion B



Poll: Motion C



Poll: Motion D



Poll: Motion E



Poll: Motion F



Poll: Motion G



Poll: Motion H



Poll: Motion I



Poll: Motion J