Candidate Data Appearing in the Ballot

2024 Special Elections for Statewide, Regional, Local, and Delegate Positions
   Local 101 Delegate
      Local 101 Delegate
   Local 201 Delegate
      Local 201 Delegate
   Local 301 Delegate
      Local 301 Delegate
   Local 401 Delegate
      Local 401 Delegate
   Local 601 Delegate
      Local 601 Delegate
   Local 1002 Delegate
      Local 1002 Delegate
   Local 1101 Delegate
      Local 1101 Delegate
   Local 1601 Delegate
      Local 1601 Delegate
   Local 2001 Delegate
      Local 2001 Delegate
   Local 401 Vice President
      Local 401 Vice President
   Region 4 Negotiator
      Region 4 Negotiator
   Region 6 Negotiator
      Region 6 Negotiator
   Region 8 Negotiator
      Region 8 Negotiator
   Region 16 Negotiator
      Region 16 Negotiator
   Region 19 Director
      Region 19 Director
   Region 20 Negotiator
      Region 20 Negotiator

Poll Group: 2024 Special Elections for Statewide, Regional, Local, and Delegate Positions

Poll Group: Local 101 Delegate

Poll: Local 101 Delegate
Alexis Lohse

I have served in various MAPE capacities both at the local and state level. I have attended DA twice before and would be happy to serve Local 101 again.
Amy Tran

My name is Amy Tran (she/her) and I am the social media coordinator for the DNR. I lead by listening first, and speaking later. If you elect me to Delegate Assembly, I will bring a perspective that centers those that are often overlooked--working class, women, and BIPOC communities--because I believe that a union is only as powerful as it's most marginalized members. I believe in the collective power we have as a union to better our work environment, our wages, and our quality of life outside of work.
James Olson

I was brought up in a union family, worked for years earlier in life as a Teamster and now for six years for the State with MAPE. I believe in standing up for ourselves, our families, and each other as public servants who lift all of Minnesota. I would be proud to use my voice as a Delegate for MAPE Local 101, and everyone we stand in solidarity with 16.
Leah Shepard

Hello! I'm Leah Shepard. I've been with the DNR for two years and have been a MAPE member the same amount of time. I'd love to have the opportunity to help support our union and represent my coworkers in local 101. Thank you for considering me as a candidate!
Maggie Snyder

My name is Maggie. I've worked with the state of Minnesota for five years and I'm interested in helping state employees feel recognized for their contributions through benefits and salaries.
Melissa Collins

If elected as a MAPE Delegate, I would attend and engage in the Delegate Assembly to the best of my ability in order to learn as much as possible for our local 101 chapter and to represent our perspective and goals. I am incredibly grateful to be a member of a strong union that has fought so hard for us, and would like to help out in any way that I can. Thank you!

Poll Group: Local 201 Delegate

Poll: Local 201 Delegate
Carol Logan

I have held many positions over my 18 years with the State. I have been a delegate several times, Local VP, Trustee Chair, Steward Director, and others. I am currently a Steward and Local 201 Membership Secretary. I appreciate the opportunity to be a Delegate and represent Local 201 during important discussions and votes on issues important to our members so I hope that I will have that opportunity again this year. Thanks!
Claire Burghard

As a dedicated public servant with 25 years of experience within the State of Minnesota, I bring a wealth of knowledge and commitment to every role I undertake. My journey began in the Department of Public Safety, where I honed my skills and dedication to serving the people of our great state. Transitioning to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) allowed me to broaden my understanding of the interconnectedness between economic opportunity and societal well-being.

In 2013, I found my home within MNIT@DHS, specifically within the Child Support Division, where I serve as a diligent business analyst. Through my work, I have contributed to the betterment of families across Minnesota, ensuring that children receive the support they deserve for their growth and development.

My membership in MAPE since 2001 reflects my unwavering commitment to advocacy and representation within the public sector. Prior to this, my tenure in AFSCME provided me with invaluable insights into the importance of collective bargaining and solidarity in championing the rights of workers.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I am deeply passionate about issues of equal rights and equity. I believe that every individual deserves fair treatment and opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. This conviction drives me to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote inclusivity and justice in our society.

In my personal life, I am a proud parent to a 14-year-old child and two beloved kitties. They serve as constant reminders of the importance of compassion, responsibility, and empathy in everything I do.

As I look to the future, I am eager to continue my journey of service and advocacy, leveraging my experience and passion to create positive change within our community and beyond.
James Dirth

Hello fellow members of 201, my name is James Dirth and I am running to represent our local as a Delegate for this year's Delegate Assembly. I have been with the State for just over 4 years and a MAPE member for just as long. I currently sit on the Political Council as a member and am a current steward with 201.

My goal as delegate is to ensure that we continue to support initiatives that make all members of 201 and MAPE feel like that they have a voice in the governance of their own union. In order to achieve this, I plan on taking any feedback from our members about any issues that they have around union governance or about the resolutions that are being proposed. In order for that to happen however, I am going to make an ask of all members to reach out when they have concerns or questions as I cannot act on behalf of anyone if I do not know what our members are feeling about the resolutions or union governance as a whole.

In order to facilitate this conversation, I am going to provider both my state and personal email below so that members can reach out to me if they have anything they want to discuss. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I plan on making sure that your comments and concerns reach the delegates for 201.

Thank you for your support.
Kjessia Johnson Karol

I have been a MAPE member since 2005 and currently work in the Central Intake Unit of the Licensing Division assessing reports of possible maltreatment and licensing violations. I have served as a 0201 Delegate several times, most recently last year. I have also been a local treasurer. I enjoy the delegate role because it allows me to be involved in my local and the statewide organization with a time commitment that fits with where my life is at right now. If I am selected as a delegate, I will do my best to gather input from my fellow members and represent their wishes accordingly at this year's assembly. I thank you for your vote and encourage you to reach out with questions or comments! I can be reached at
Liz Bosneag

I'm grateful for the nomination to represent our local at Delegate Assembly (DA). I have previously been elected to serve at DA and thoroughly enjoy it! I have worked for the state and been a MAPE member for over 10 years. Currently I work in the Children and Family Services Administration (CFS), which will move to the new state agency, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), on July 1st, 2024. With the creation and implementation of DCYF, as well as MAPE’s restructure work, I am eager to stay engaged with our union and DA is an excellent space for that!
Randy Shimpach

I am a former Membership Secretary for Local 201 and former Regional Director for Region 2. I have worked tirelessly throughout the years to increase our membership and make us a more powerful union. I would be honored to represent you at MAPE's highest governing body, Delegate Assembly.
Sarbjit Kaur

My name is Sarbjit Kaur. I work for the Department of Human Service in St. Paul. I have been a state employee for over 8 year, and a MAPE member for 8 year. I was picket Safety committee represent for my building (Lafayette). Currently I am playing the Local 201 multiple role Like: Secretory, Steward from last 5years what is most important to me is seeing that members’ voices are heard in MAPE. If I am elected, I will work hard to solicit opinions from other members in my Local.
Tobias Leuthner

Hello MAPE local 201. I am Tobias Leuthner and I work in Child Care Services Division at Department of Human Services (DHS) in Saint Paul—soon to be Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF). I support the division’s grantmaking and contracting work with a focus to make changes and advance practices that result in more racially equitable outcomes for the communities and families we serve.
I had not considered running as a Delegate, but I decided to accept the nomination because I want to be more involved in my local and participate in the decision-making process at Delegate Assembly that will affect all our work.

If elected, I agree to:
• Represent local 201 while voting at Delegate Assembly (DA)
• Be well informed on the important decisions to be made at DA
• Stay connected with our local by attending monthly meetings and sharing information about decisions to
be made at DA
• Discuss budget and resolutions with our local in advance of DA
• Report back to our local about my votes at DA
• So much more

I joined MAPE in August 2021 (2+ years ago) when I started at DHS but have been a state worker since September 2011. During my initial 10 years with Office of Higher Education, me and most of my team were unclassified and ineligible for MAPE representation. Because of this, I know firsthand how important a strong union is in negotiating and winning our collective labor interests. I would be honored to represent local 201 at Delegate Assembly.
Tonja Rolfson

I am a Human Services Judge and have been a member of MAPE since 1998. I am currently the DHS Meet and Confer Chair. I served as a delegate last year. As a delegate, I am there to represent your views. Last year, I offered amendments to modify the dues increase proposal to address concerns our members brought forward in our local meetings. The amendments were not successful. But, I was successful in communicating your concerns. I would like to represent you as a delegate again.
Wanda Fortune Stiffin

Hi my name is Wanda Fortune-Stiffin, and I would like to represent you at Delegate Assembly. I am currently one of the Regional Steward Directions for our local. I work for MNIT@DHS. As you know DA is the highest governing body of MAPE. I have been to several DAs in the past and it was a great experience. I believe in listening to all the member concerns and voting for what would be for our good. So please consider electing me to represent you at DA this year.

Poll Group: Local 301 Delegate

Poll: Local 301 Delegate
Charity Fretty

Hello, I am Charity Fretty. I work for MNIT MPCA as a technical writer. I joined the State and MAPE just over a year ago. I am proud to be a MAPE member and want to show my support by serving as a delegate. I am excited to learn more about our union and to discuss and understand your priorities. If elected, I will do my best to represent Local 301 at the Delegate Assembly.
Emma Tschann

Together, we are strong. Our world was built on systems of injustice. These systems continue to permeate our daily lives, in our culture, our government, and our workplaces. Unionization is the tool to dismantle these systems and demand justice and equity from those in power.
Hunter Vraa

I would like the opportunity to go to Delegate Assembly again should no others from 301 want to. I will work hard to represent the interests of 301.
Kaity Taylor

If given the opportunity to represent local 301 as a Delegate, I will use the position to advocate and vote for a union with increased member engagement, communication, training, and opportunities to participate in the decision making process. I believe that these attributes are essential to creating a union with power to not only make positive changes to our workplaces, but essential to creating a union with power in community and power in the support systems that allow us to care for one another and residents of Minnesota. I’d encourage us all to imagine what our union can achieve beyond simply a (albeit important!) cost of living increase.

Our local and many others in the state are experiencing a huge influx of new staff and new telework staff. These staff, in addition to staff that work full time in the office and those that have been with the state for decades, deserve to be welcomed to participate in our union enthusiastically, wholeheartedly, and democratically. If given the opportunity to represent local 301 at Delegate Assembly, I will work hard to ensure that my voice and the resolutions I vote for, do just that.
Kristin Mroz Risse

Hi! I’m Kristin and I have been a MAPE delegate 4 times and look forward to participating on your behalf again this year. I’ve worked at the EQB and MPCA for over 7 years as the GreenStep Cities program coordinator and have been a MAPE member since the beginning. I also serve on the MPCA Meet & Confer team. I enjoy bringing your needs to the Delegate Assembly and bringing what we learn back to Local 301. Thank you!
Wesley Knox

I've worked union-represented jobs before, but not until I came to MPCA did I recognize the *value.* This past negotiations season we witnessed some incredible changes for MAPE-represented staff, and I want to do even a small part of continuing that progress. With the State's work-force trending younger, priorities for MAPErs are not the same as they used to be, nor is the economic climate. I want to help advocate for young professionals like myself, and staff that are beginning (what they hope to be long) careers at the State.
William Treumann

I have long been a supporter of Unions, but this is the first Union I have been a part of and I am looking forward to becoming a more active participant to learn and build solidarity with my fellow workers.

Poll Group: Local 401 Delegate

Poll: Local 401 Delegate
Alex Bajwa

I would be happy to attend the delegate assembly representing local 401.
Amy Mueller

Amy E. Mueller, Revenue, St. Paul, MN Years of service: 13 years MAPE member: 9 years

As an experienced delegate and the Steward Director for Region 4, Local 401, the Delegate Assembly (DA) is important to me. DA helps maintain the democratic process our ancestors set forth, maintains checks and balances, the art of diplomacy, and achieves unified goals by making positive change within our community and union.

Thank you for your continued support.
Jarred Paquin

I have two primary goals in participating in Delegate Assembly:
1. I would like to see MAPE issue a strong statement supporting a ceasefire and justice in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank and a condemnation of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.
2. I would like to see state employees have more control over how our pension funds are invested, with the overall goal of divesting from Israel and other pro-war institutions.
Jessica Delcid

Greetings fellow MAPE members,

My name is Jessica Delcid, and I am proud to have served as a State employee for eleven years, with eight of those years dedicated to being an active member of MAPE. For the past two years, I've had the privilege of serving as a delegate, representing the voices and interests of our diverse membership.

My journey with MAPE has been one of continuous learning and growth, and I see my candidacy for reelection as an opportunity to further deepen my connection with both the union and its members across the state.

If reelected, I am committed to engaging with members in my Local and beyond, seeking their input and feedback to inform our union's decision-making processes. By fostering open communication and collaboration, I believe together we can build a stronger, more inclusive union that truly represents the diverse interests and perspectives of all its members.

I am deeply honored to stand before you once again as a candidate for reelection as a MAPE delegate. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve you once again.

In solidarity,
Jessica Delcid
Michael Yost

I am pleased to have been nominated as a representative for MAPE Local 401 to the Delegate Assembly. This would be my third year attending Delegate Assembly, and it would be an honor to serve as a voice for my local as we deliberate on the issues impacting our union.

I joined the Department of Revenue’s Tax Research Division in 2021 and immediately signed a MAPE membership application. Since then, I have volunteered to take additional responsibilities in our union, because I believe strong and engaged labor unions are the best way to advance the interests of working people. Outside of Delegate Assembly, I also serve as the Secretary and as a steward for Local 401.

Prior to working at Revenue, I pursued my Ph.D. in economics at Florida State University. At FSU, I was active in the labor union for graduate workers, Graduate Assistants United (GAU).

I believe my experience has prepared me well to represent 401’s values and interests at the Delegate Assembly again, and I humbly ask for your support.
Ronald Dixon

If elected to serve as a delegate, I will represent the interests of Local 401 as I help establish the direction for the union going into 2025.
Sam Sant

I'm an active member assisting on the leadership team. I have previously served as negotiations rep, treasurer, & vice president of local 401.
Wendi Einberger McDonough

I am honored to be considered for the Delegate Assembly. I have worked at the Department of Revenue since 2018 and have served as a steward during this time. I have also taken on the role of Membership secretary and have been doing the new employee orientations that Human Resources provides. I feel it's imperative that we have strong union representation and we all work for the best results for the good of all.

Poll Group: Local 601 Delegate

Poll: Local 601 Delegate
Andrew Ulasich

I came to the state from community organizing, where I worked on the 100% Clean Energy by 2040 bill, Paid Family and Medical Leave, $450M in new annual revenue for Metro Transit, and more. I’ve experienced the power that organized people can build and wield to transform our state. As a MAPE member and public sector employee, I’m excited about the ways I can support our union to build more power and make life better for workers both inside and outside of MAPE. I’ll bring this energy and drive to the delegate assembly. My commitment is to represent the values and interests of Local 601 members so that our collective voice is heard, and our union leads grounded in and accountable to its people.
Anna Crouch

Anna Crouch is a relatively new employee at the Commerce Department in the Energy Division, and excited to be a member of MAPE Local 601. As a temporary unclassified employee, she wants to ensure that all employees receive the benefits that this unit has to offer, regardless of their time with the state. She will vote for the MAPE policies that further equity for workers both within MAPE and across the state we serve.
Christian Noyce

My name is Christian Noyce and I am a rates analyst for the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. I have been with the Commission and in Minnesota government work for almost three years, providing analysis and recommendations regarding utility programs. Prior to my current environmental work, I worked on electoral campaigns over the 2016 election cycle. As a young millennial, I bring a common set of experiences to MAPE in support of our organizing including being a new first time home buyer during this high inflationary period and of course, the burden of student loans.
Derek Duran

I am honored to be nominated as a formal Delegate. I had the opportunity to act as and vote in the last Delegate Assembly as an Alternate Delegate.

I have been an active MAPE member, and I hope to continue representing Local 601 to the best of my ability. I also strong relationship with my own agency and would feel very comfortable discussing with other MAPErs before making any potential votes.

Thank you!
John-Michael Cross

Hi, my name is John-Michael Cross. I started at the Department of Commerce in November 2023, working hybrid out of the Saint Paul office, and joined MAPE soon thereafter. After 15 years of working in non-unionized nonprofits, I’m thrilled to be part of a strong union and to enjoy the countless benefits of membership. As just one example, the prior service credit for vacation accrual was a very pleasant surprise, which has given me more flexibility to spend time with my kids on no-school days, even as a new employee. Thanks to all who fought for that change.

I’m throwing my hat in the ring to be a delegate so that I can better contribute to a union that I am greatly benefiting from. I know that as a new member, I have a lot to learn about MAPE and how it conducts business and pushes for change. But I can also bring fresh eyes to longstanding issues and offer the viewpoint of someone who recently went through the onboarding process.

I also think that it is important for MAPE to continue to extend itself to work to help improve the livelihoods of all Minnesotans, particularly those without access to unions. I’d like to see us leverage our collective power to push forward statewide work reforms and social safety net improvements that would benefit the entire working class.

In solidarity,
Katie Fogel

Hello! My name is Katie Fritz Fogel, currently a Research Scientist/ Evaluator working at Minnesota Department of Health out of St. Paul. I've been working at MDH since February 2021 and excitedly joined MAPE once I started with local 601. I grew up with a strong family background in union pride as a daughter of educators and grand-daughter of auto and railroad workers. I've since joined the Meet and Confer team as an alternate which has given me the opportunity to learn more about concerns my colleagues across the agency are facing. I'm interested in continuing to invest in MAPE people power and my colleagues through this role.
Rachel Wittkopp

My name is Rachel Wittkopp and I work for the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul. I have been a state employee for a year and a half, and a MAPE member for six months. I became a Steward as soon as I joined MAPE and have loved this role! I have already been an advocate for union members and have had the opportunity to amplify their voices. I have been involved with politics since high school and strongly believe in union power. I want to continue fighting for all our members by taking an active role as a delegate assembly delegate and/or a regional negotiator. If elected, I will continue to engage at the local level and include your voices at the delegate assembly or negotiating table.
Roberta Suski

Hi, I am Roberta Suski, member of MAPE Local 601, and your Local Recording Secretary. I work at Minnesota Department of Health, and I’ve been an active and involved member of MAPE since accepting my new role in July 2022. I’m currently working with the Membership Committee, meeting with new employees, helping them understand the value of belonging to a union, and helping plan membership events. Before becoming a member in MAPE, I was an actively involved member of my AFSCME union and local. I’ve worked with the State of Minnesota for more than 16 years, and during that time, I have held various positions within my two AFSCME locals, from steward, trustee, and activist, to Executive Board Member, and even all the way to president.

I’d like to be a member of the Delegate Assembly so that I can continue to immerse myself in the process and not only learn how I can better serve my union siblings in MAPE, but how I can help grow and strengthen our local and union. I grew up in a strong union household, learning the importance of working together and I hope I am instilling these values in my household as well.

After ensuring that I met the probationary requirements, I have jumped in with both feet. I attended my first MAPE Capitol Lobby Day last spring, meeting with my legislators and letting them know we deserve a fair contract. It was so much fun, I did it again this year!! I’ve also taken Basic Steward Training in an effort to get to know our contract better, and I look forward to serving us all well!
Sonja Ausen

My name is Sonja Ausen and I work at the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul, Minnesota. As of April 2024, I have worked here and been a member of MAPE for five months. I reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is my first time to be in a union and I want to get involved as a Delegate Assembly Delegate to more fully participate as a union member and to work collectively toward action that makes our working environment more just. This will allow me to tangibly show-up and advocate for myself and others. Thank you for this opportunity.
Sophie Nikitas

Signing up to be a MAPE member was one of my top priorities when I started my job with the Public Utilities Commission in September 2023. Since joining, I have attended our local meetings, joined the health care policy team, worked with members on other priority areas, and encouraged unenrolled coworkers to join MAPE. I would love to represent 601 at the Delegate Assembly.
Trey Harsch


Thank you for nominating me to represent local 601 as a Delegate at this year's Delegate Assembly. Last year, I gained valuable experience as an alternate delegate, and was given the opportunity to vote on several important issues impacting our Union. This year, I would be happy to represent our local again as a Delegate and look forward to the assembly.

Poll Group: Local 1002 Delegate

Poll: Local 1002 Delegate
John Gimpl

I served our local for a decade as secretary and represented us as a delegate many times. I'm currently serving on the MAPE Coalition Building Workgroup.
Jon VanOeveren

I offer my experience and dedication with our local to serve as a 1002 Delegate to the MAPE Delegate Assembly this fall.

The Delegate Assembly stands as the cornerstone of our union's governance, where significant decisions are made that shape our collective future. As a former vice president and membership secretary of our local, and currently serving as the Regional Steward Director for Region 10, I have been privileged to contribute to our union's efforts in advocating for fair treatment and better conditions for all members.

Running for a Delegate position is not about personal recognition, but rather about amplifying the voices of our members and ensuring their concerns are at the forefront of our discussions. If entrusted with this role, I pledge to approach it with humility, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to representing the diverse needs and viewpoints of our membership.

I recognize that the strength of our union lies in the collective contributions of its members, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this shared endeavor. My aim is to collaborate with fellow delegates and members to make decisions that benefit our local and the entire union.

I believe in the power of collective action and the importance of every member's voice in shaping our union's path forward. If elected as your Delegate, I will listen attentively, communicate transparently, and advocate tirelessly on behalf of our local and its members.

I ask for your support and your vote. Together, let us continue to build a union that reflects our shared values and aspirations.

In solidarity,
Maria-Renee Grigsby

As a lifelong activist and union member, I am honored to accept this nomination. Collectivism has always manifested in positive change that individuality could not influence. I look forward to serving the members of MAPE as we continue to work for optimal working conditions and salary.
Michael Diedrich

I am excited for the opportunity to represent Local 1002 at this year's Delegate Assembly! I appreciate the degree to which our union is member-driven, and Delegate Assembly is one of the best expressions of that commitment to empowering members of the union to engage with one another in determining our path forward.

We in Local 1002 are unique in that our entire local is composed of one complete agency and its associated MNIT staff. Through my work with the MDE meet and confer team, I believe that I have a reasonably starting point for understanding where our local membership stands on issues. I'm also committed to always learning more and seeking out the perspectives of everyone we represent.

Additionally, MAPE is currently exploring some possibilities for restructuring the way the union operates, with a high likelihood that some of those possibilities will make their way to Delegate Assembly for a vote. I've been part of the statewide team working on that exploration, and I think that Local 1002 has a particularly valuable perspective to share on these topics. I would love to be able to be in the mix at Delegate Assembly when any proposals from that restructure conversation are discussed.

Poll Group: Local 1101 Delegate

Poll: Local 1101 Delegate
Andy Given

My name is Andy Given, and I have been a MAPE 1101 member for about 16 years! It has been an honor to serve MAPE local 1101in the past as Secretary, Treasurer, as a past and current Steward, and to represent this local in several past Delegate Assemblies. I would be honored to serve once again as a Delegate to the next MAPE Delegate Assembly. Thank you for considering me!
Jerry Corwin

I always want to support the union and bring in more members to increase MAPEs effectiveness. This is the first union I have been part of that does its best for the workers.
Kevin Nelson

My name is Kevin Nelson. I work for the Department of Corrections in St. Paul. I have been a state employee for nearly twenty-five years, and a MAPE member for the same duration. I am currently the Vice President of Local 1101 as well as a steward. I have recently become more involved in the union after recognizing the need to help give more of a voice to the voiceless. If elected, I will represent you to the best of my ability.
Rob Hobson

Hello fellow MAPE members. I am Rob Hobson, and I would like to have the honor of representing you at this year’s Delegate assembly.

I have been active in MAPE for almost 5 years. I have also been a state employee for that same amount of time.

I got involved almost right away. Why MAPE? I believe MAPE is one of a few unions who really listens to us members. I like to say MAPE is made up of all of us. There are no external factors/voices who get in the way.

About me: I am a VR counselor at state Services for the Blind, and assist people in either gaining, maintaining, or advancing employment. I truly like what I do and look forward to continuing to be a public servant. I have three children and understand how important our state benefits are.

Qualifications: I have been a steward for almost 5 years, and membership secretary for that same amount of time. Recently I coordinated our membership drive and have coordinated our social hours.

If you choose to appoint me as one of your delegates, I will do my greatest to make your voices heard.

I look forward to representing us all and thank you for consideration.
Susan McNeeley

I have worked for the Department of Corrections for eight years and have been a MAPE member most of that time. I'm currently the treasurer for Local 1101 and a steward. I'd be honored to serve as a delegate.

Poll Group: Local 1601 Delegate

Poll: Local 1601 Delegate
Aarica Burke

I am passionate about representing MAPE and continuing to help move forward the goals and needs of our union. I am a strong advocate for change and advancement of our rights and needs. I have worked in government for over 10 years and know how beneficial a clear, strong, and present delegate can help advance key needs of the employees. I strive to be that.
Amanda Wold

I have spent the past 17 years of my life and career dedicated to environmental and natural resources protection. I feel a strong connection to nurturing and supporting the ecosystems, wildlife, plant life, soil health, and the people who connect us all. I have served as an Environmental Specialist with the Lower Sioux Indian Community, the Environmental Director for the Upper Sioux Community, and Environmental Deputy Director with the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe developing and implementing programs driven by project work that were identified by the communities I’ve served. I strongly connect with community service having served as an AmeriCorps volunteer member building trails in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness Area, a North Country Trail intern, and I currently serve as a volunteer Board member for the Northern Waters Land Trust. I believe in public service, and I believe in MAPE. I would be honored to learn from you and to represent you as a Delegate for 1601.
Don Lucksinger

I have been part of 3 assemblies over my 14 years with the state and I would greatly appreciate the chance to represent my region again. I always welcome input from all those in region 16.
Jesse O’Connor

I accept the nomination to become a delegate assembly delegate and appreciate the nomination.
Kimberly Pilgrim

It is an honor to be nominated as a potential union delegate, and I want to express my deep commitment to representing our collective interests with integrity, dedication, and compassion.

Thank you for considering my nomination. Let us continue striving for a more just and equitable future for all.

In solidarity,

Kimberly Pilgrim
Mel Markert

My name is Mel Markert. I work as a GIS Analyst with the MPCA. I began working in public service in 2009 and have held a few different positions within the MPCA since then. I've been an active member of MAPE for nearly a decade. With numbers comes power. I'm honored to be nominated to fill a leadership role for Local 1601. I'm not new to Union participation and my roles have included Local Vice President, Delegate, Steward (active) and Meet and Confer team member (active), and Local 1601 Secretary (active). I strive to bring the voices of the members forward and would like to continue that work here as a Delegate representing Local 1601.
Sean Higgins

I am relatively new to state service. However, I have a history of being in representative positions in local and national organizations. I serve as national Vice President for a pharmacy Greek letter society as well as holing multiple local and regional posts over nearly 20 years. While in college, I served on student fee budgeting committees and ultimate became Vice President of the Students' Association at South Dakota State University. My father taught me the value of labor organization and bargaining power as a long time lead negotiator for the local education association in Iowa. I am a firm believer in the benefits of organized labor, not just to advance priorities, but to protect the gains that that have been achieved.
Susan Sunde

My name is Susan Sunde and I work for MNIT supporting DHS. I have been a State employee just shy of 16 years, and a MAPE member for 10. I served as Region 16 representative on the current negotiations team. My goal as your representative is to hear Greater MN’s voices and to push the suggestions on how we can improve our union. I feel in the past with serving as your delegate, that I was successful in hearing what our members wanted and voted for our local members how they wished. With my experience and confidence to continue supporting our members of 1601, if re-elected, I feel am prepared and want to continue to support our members by advocating for us.

Poll Group: Local 2001 Delegate

Poll: Local 2001 Delegate
Cathy Finken

Hello, I've been a member of MAPE for close to 30 years. I've had the opportunity to serve in many officer's positions, both statewide and local. I believe in the work each of us do as a dues-paying part of a union, and in the strength our members bring to the bargaining table. I ask for your vote to serve as a delegate to the 2024 Delegate Assembly. Thank you.
Jon Krusmark

Hello, my name is Jon Krusmark and I work for the MinnState College System in Rochester. I have been a State employee for 33 years, and a MAPE member for 25. I have been our locals President, Vice President, Delegate and a Steward for 22 years. I helped organize Region 20’s Strike Plan in 2001 and have been an active site coordinator and Meet and Confer Chair for 23 years. If I am elected, I will take the opportunity to listen to our members and bring that message forward so their voice and opinions can be heard at Delegate Assembly.

Thank You,
Jon Krusmark
Kristen Gallo

My name is Kristen Gallo and I work for the Department of Corrections in Red Wing. I have been a State employee for almost 24 years and a MAPE member for 16 years. I am currently a Steward for our Local. I have attended Delegate Assembly for the past eight years. I believe it is important that our Local’s ideas are represented in MAPE. If I am elected, I will work to ensure that our member’s voices are heard.
Kristine Hernandez

Hello, I am Kristine Hernandez and work in Rochester, MN, at the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation for the past 19 years. I am the Statewide Toward Zero Deaths program coordinator.

Before accepting a job at MnDOT, I was working in Media Advocacy at the American Cancer Society, where I organized volunteers to advocate for cancer support/research/funding at the state capitol.

I started my employment at MnDOT in 2005 as a public affairs coordinator. In 2006, I transitioned into the Toward Zero Deaths initiative and started a career in traffic safety that I love. This has taught me that even in state government, there is opportunity to grow and thrive, while still being a public servant, giving back and supporting Minnesota citizens.

I have experience in talking and advocating to state and congressional legislators and I have testified at the state legislature. I care about MAPE workers -- all state workers -- and I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I will advocate for what you want to see happen with this union and efforts for fair contracts and practices.

I have always been passionate about helping the underserved. I was a foster mom for 20+ years to help those that cannot help themselves. Other efforts were to help cancer survivors/victims. More recently, in my current position, to help those who have lost loved ones due to traffic crashes or prevent them altogether.

So, in closing, I believe in the strength of the union and its representation for all.
Nicole Sokolofsky

My name is Nicole Sokolofsky. I work for the Department of Human Services in a Residential Group Setting in Blooming Prairie. I have been a State Employee for 12 years in October and a MAPE member for 9 years. I am the Membership Secretary for Local 2001. I have been involved with Leadership within my local since 2019. I have been involved in numerous Membership recruitments and involved with supporting our Negotiations team during Negotiations. I have also been an alternate for Delegate Assembly the last few years. If I am elected, I will work hard at making sure ALL MAPE members voices are heard. My favorite thing about MY Union is that we all come together as one!!
Ren Olive

Hi there! I’m Ren (they/them), a queer millennial who has a love of colorful things and a passion for process, and I’m eager to serve our Union as a delegate at the Delegate Assembly. I joined MAPE on my third day as the Grants Development Coordinator at Rochester Community and Technical College. Coming from a family proud of its union roots, we've always embraced Senator Paul Wellstone's mantra: "We all do better when we all do better" (and you betcha that I was ready to take my experience as a youth holding signs on picket lines into adulthood as an “official union card holding member!”). In the past year, I've been involved in a variety of union activities, including becoming a steward shortly after completing my probation, participating in MAPE lobby days, serving as the Local’s pilot Community Engagement Officer, and initiating a new newsletter for Local 2001. These experiences have reinforced my dedication to our collective cause and prepared me to serve as a strong advocate for our members. As a delegate, I’ll bridge communication between the Delegate Assembly and my Local, ensuring our members’ voices are heard and information flows effectively (such as working photos and quotes into our Local 2001 newsletter). I’m committed to advancing the interests of our members and ensuring a bright future for our union. Thank you for placing your confidence in me to serve in this capacity.
Samantha Schendzielos

I was an alternate last year at DA and I am excited for this nomination to be a voting member this year. I am excite to be part of the governing body that establishes MAPE policies, approves the budget, determines dues, amends governing documents, and adopts procedures for statewide, regional and local officer elections. I value the work that is done at DA and I want to have a voice!

Poll Group: Local 401 Vice President

Poll: Local 401 Vice President
Jason Madore

Hi! My name is Jason Madore and I am running for the position of Local 401 Vice President. I have been working at the Department of Revenue Collection Division (St. Paul/Stassen office) since July 2019, and have been an active MAPE member for nearly as long. Some of you may already be familiar with me as 401’s Community Donations Survey coordinator, a position I enjoyed until it was recently ended by vote of MAPE senior leadership. My prior experience as the Community Donations Survey coordinator makes me a strong and assured candidate for this Vice President opportunity.

Throughout my time with MAPE, I have witnessed firsthand how this union tirelessly works to protect workers like you who make Minnesota great. In addition, I am proud of MAPE’s involvement in the surrounding community and its commitment to working families. If chosen as your Vice President, I will ensure that MAPE continues this upstanding work, while also hosting fun, engaging and in-budget events for our members. Local 401 has not had a vacant Vice President position in quite some time, so I intend to do everything I can going forward to make sure this position holds a meaningful and relevant role in members’ lives. I humbly ask for your vote between June 3-June 13, and look forward to continuing to work with Local 401!
Sam Sant

I have served as our Region's negotiations representative from 2010-2018, 401 Treasurer from 2011-2016, & 401 Vice President from 2016-2018. I also served on the Robbinsdale 281 School Board from 2019-2022. Currently I am a part of the leadership team where I attend leadership meetings & help out where I can. I am honored to be nominated as Vice President of Local 401 where I will have an official roll again.

Poll Group: Region 4 Negotiator

Poll: Region 4 Negotiator
Alex Bajwa

In 2022 I helped lead the organizing committee which successfully brought attorneys from 9 agencies into MAPE. I represented these rejoined attorneys in the negotiations committee in 2023. While I am proud that we secured the largest ATB increase in 42 years, more work needs to be done to account for the wages we have lost to inflation since 2000. I would be proud to serve on the negotiations committee again to work to secure wage increases that reflect what we have lost to inflation.
Cara Hofreiter

My name is Cara Hofreiter. I work for the Department of Revenue in Saint Paul. I have been an employee of the State of Minnesota for ten years, and a MAPE member ever since the beginning. I used to work in the Arden Hills office, which is now closed, and was part of Region 13. I was the Vice President of Local 1301 for a few years. I have been a Union Steward for over 5 years.

I served as Negotiator for Region 13 for the last contract negotiations session. It was an eye-opening experience, and I learned a lot. I’d like to take that knowledge and help to continue to build a union where our working conditions, healthcare, wages, and work life balance continue to improve for all our MAPE represented employees.

I’m proud to be a member of MAPE. Unions promote economic equality and build worker power. They help workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions. I have worked in the private sector, and I can see the difference our Union makes. As Negotiator for Region 4, I will ensure that member’s voices are heard. I will work to build member engagement and solicit opinions from the members in our region. If elected, I promise to bring your voice to the bargaining table.

Poll Group: Region 6 Negotiator

Poll: Region 6 Negotiator
Jason Bonnett

I proudly represented our region on the Negotiations team for the past three cycles. I seek your endorsement to continue serving. I enjoyed talking with fellow members and listening to your concerns. I sought unique solutions through the negotiations process, and I am proud of our achievements together and hope to continue our partnership.

In 2018, I lead the charge for student loan reimbursement to be included in our contract and I will continue the fight for its expansion.

In 2020, I drafted the proposal to increase vacation accrual for former employees who return to state service after 4 years. I ushered it through the process and I’m proud to say that it was the first proposal agreed upon by the State. This was a concern raised by members who had left the work force to raise children or care for elderly parents.

There is still much to accomplish.

The last negotiation cycle occurred under the specter of high inflation and a large budget surplus but still we only received a 5.5 percent and 4.5 percent across-the-board increase and although it was the largest increase in nearly 40 years it still didn’t keep pace with inflation. I will continue to fight for fair wages and healthcare that meets the needs of state employees.

Additionally, during the pandemic we learned that state employees can provide a quality work product while working remotely, we need to create a plan to get the administration to recognize flexible work arrangements as a worker’s right, not just a permissive request.

I ask for your support so I can continue to fight for the benefits and wages that we deserve!
Rachel Wittkopp

My name is Rachel Wittkopp and I work for the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul. I have been a state employee for a year and a half, and a MAPE member for six months. I became a Steward as soon as I joined MAPE and have loved this role! I have already been an advocate for union members and have had the opportunity to amplify their voices. I have been involved with politics since high school and strongly believe in union power. I want to continue fighting for all our members by taking an active role as a delegate assembly delegate and/or a regional negotiator. If elected, I will continue to engage at the local level and include your voices at the delegate assembly or negotiating table.

Poll Group: Region 8 Negotiator

Poll: Region 8 Negotiator
Jerry Schmitt

My name is Jerry Schmitt. I am a 40-year employee for PERA in St. Paul, a MAPE member for the last 26 years. I have served as Vice-President, Membership Committee, and currently President, Regional Steward Director, and member of Labor Management at PERA. The Executive Director of PERA has recently told me how he admires my tenaciousness.

Last few contracts I had the opportunity to serve as Region 8 Negotiator. I learned in order to maintain employee rights and strengthen our contract we need a STRONG union. We had the highest member input for our contract last round through listening sessions, one-to-one conversations, electronic survey, and member input form. I read every input form that was submitted from Region 8, held 15 listening sessions and many one-to-ones, spoke up at our meetings to fight for the issues that ranked high in the survey, never missed a meeting, and communicated our steps through the end. Never give up for what you believe in and that is what I will do repeatedly until we finally achieve our goal. Wages, Health Care, Severance Pay, Vacation to Deferred Comp, Top of Pay Scale, Advancement Opportunities, Student Loans, are just some of the goals we need to win together.

My MAPE experience makes me uniquely qualified to hold the position of Region 8 Negotiator. We can build a stronger contract and a better quality of life by changing the way we organize, engage community, and exert power. What is most important to me is seeing that members’ voices are heard in MAPE. I hope you will support me again; I will work hard to solicit opinions from you so we can achieve a better contract for all. Thank you for being a member of MAPE.
Theresa St. Aoro

I was privileged to serve on the negotiations team as well as the insurance coalition in bargaining our last contract, so I bring experience that will be valuable for our next round of negotiations. I will work to increase our membership as part of the negotiations team because a strong membership means more than who is in the Legislature or Governor's office when dealing with MMB across the table. There are many strategies and knowledge of MMB tactics that I have learned and will bring to the table. It was a trying time in the last negotiations, but I am up to the fight again!

I also believe in transparency, so it is important to me to keep members updated and listen to feedback as much as possible throughout the bargaining process. If I am fortunate enough to get your vote, I will always remember that I am representing the members Region 8, never just myself.

I hope you will value my experience and vote for me as your negotiations representative.

Poll Group: Region 16 Negotiator

Poll: Region 16 Negotiator
Donald Lucksinger

I have been a part of 3 successful contract negotiations with MAPE and I have learned what works and what doesn’t. I have made several contacts and I am very proud of my ability to work across party lines and past differences to reach a mutually beneficial outcome. I have worked for DHS for past 14 years.
Susan Sunde

My name is Susan Sunde and I work for MNIT supporting DHS. I have been a State employee just shy of 16 years, and a MAPE member for 10. I served as Region 16 representative on the negotiations team for Contract year 2023 - 2025. My goal as your representative was to hear Greater MN’s voices and to push the suggestions on how we can improve our contract for our members. I feel that I was successful in hearing what our members were stating were issues and bringing them forward to our Negotiations team as well as other suggestions. Many changes that we had in our current contract, were ones brought forth from Region 16 members. One of these successes was to allow self-employment count as work experience for determining years of service for vacation accrual. With my experience and confidence in my new skillset as your negotiator, I will continue to support our members by advocating for us. If re-elected, I will use my skills and tools to make our contract more equitable across the board and improve language that could be causing work/life balance issues. What is most important to me is emphasizing how important the work we perform in Greater Mn is to the lives of Minnesotans we assist and that our contract should reflect the competitive language needed to attract and retain the great employees that we are. I hope your confidence in my representation will continue and you will vote for me to continue as your Region 16 Negotiator.

Poll Group: Region 19 Director

Poll: Region 19 Director
Nicole Emerson

I have assumed the role of Region 19 Director for about a year now, and I don't take this role lightly. I know I have the ability to do good work on this board and bring Region 19's voices to the table. I do believe I can continue to add value to the board and to region 19. With the restructure conversation, it is important that region 19 is at the table and I am willing to continue that work.
Sheenah Jewison

My name is Sheenah Jewison. I work for the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) under the agency Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) out of the Mankato CareerForce office. I am a member of the DEED Statewide Meet and Confer and temporary Membership Secretary for 1902.

I had the pleasure of coordinating and organizing a rally for our 2021-2023 contract in Mankato because it was important for our community to know that Minnesota works because we do!

Last contract cycle, I served Region 19 as a negotiator to ensure a fair 2023-2025 MAPE Contract. Part of my role as negotiator was advocating for and guaranteeing CREP benefits equity. I have always been a supporter of unions and it is important to me to ensure each MAPE member’s voice is heard.

With the up-and-coming restructure, I would love the opportunity to represent Region 19 as the Regional Director. I want MAPE to be the haven when our employer falls short. I truly believe that the Regional Director position will allow me the ability to best represent Region 19’s interest.

Poll Group: Region 20 Negotiator

Poll: Region 20 Negotiator
Angela Christle

As your local Negotiation Representative, I will bring your voices forward to the table. I have been a MAPE member for 15 years from the time I began my employment with the State of MN> I have served MAPE in several capacities over the past 10 plus years. These positions have been as a Steward, Delegate and Alternate at the Delegate Assembly, Local President, Region 20 Director and with the Statewide DEED Meet and Confer. While on the Board of directors I had also participated in committees and helped to focus on the accessibilities needs and expectations. Active listening combined with tenacity is what I will bring to this position.
Gabe Perkins

I am an active member and former vice president of local 2001. In addition, I am a union steward and have been active in our precious contract action teams calling our members to be active. I look forward to taking the fight for our next contract. In solidarity, Gabe Perkins