Hi! I'm running for Disabilities Representative for the upcoming WUSA elections with YEEHAW for WUSA & NUS!
As the cost of living is rising, now more than ever, is it essential that you have a union that will continue the fight for your rights! Yeehaw is committed to securing real change and ensuring that UOW works in favor of students rather than profits.
I am passionate about disability inclusion on campus and want to improve accessibility for all those who attend UOW. If elected, I plan to revive the WUSA Disability Collective and get the Disability Space in Building 11 up and running.
As Disabilities Representative, I will:
● Revive the Disability Collective.
● Provide information to students about disability support, both on and off campus.
● Fight for students with disability.
● Improve student Access Plans.
● Pioneer the Disability Space.
● Host inclusive events on campus.
● Advocate for a human rights-based approach to disability.
● Fight to increase accessibility on campus.
● Fight to re-introduce non-contested 3-day extensions.
● Continue the fight for free period products on campus for all students!
Vote [1] YEEHAW and [1] Taylor Harding for Disabilities Representative!