The Law Society Council Elections 2022 - Candidate Canvassing Information

Candidate information

There are eight (8) candidates nominated for THREE (3) Councillor positions in this election. All candidates are eligible for the positions.

The formal link to vote can be found in an “Invitation to Vote” email sent by the Company Secretary, on or around Tuesday 26 September 2023.

Please click the candidate's name to view their campaign information.

In 2023 the Law Society Council adopted a Skills Framework. Members are invited to consider the Skills Framework as they make their election decisions. The Skills Framework is available here.

Disclaimer: The information on this webpage and the webpages of each of the candidates below, including information in any third-party/external webpages provided by such candidates, have been prepared by the candidates and not The Law Society of New South Wales. The views and statements of the candidates are made in connection with their election campaigns for The Law Society Council Elections 2023 and are not endorsed as the views of The Law Society. The Law Society does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information on these pages. The Law Society is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of or reliance on that information and excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of such use or reliance.

Katherine Langford

Jennifer Ball

Large Firm Member

Howard Bell

Government Member

Susai Benjamin

Suburban Member

Angelo Bilias

Suburban Member

Anthony Gordon

Country Member

John Kalantar

City Member

Ronan Macsweeney

Corporate Member

Irfan Peerzada

Suburban Member

James Skelton

City Member

Troy Swan

Corporate Member

Jade Tyrrell

Large Firm Member

Ereboni Yazdani

Suburban Member