Jennifer Ball


Candidate statement:
A Commercial Litigation Partner at Clayton Utz and expert in restructuring and insolvency, my aim is for the Society to use its unique ability to influence Government policy and decision-making, to ensure lawyers' lives are simplified so we can embrace the future.

I see our profession’s future as one in which all lawyers can serve their clients and therefore, the broader society, seamlessly using the best tools available; a future in which the profession truly reflects the community it serves and uses that insight to give better, more informed advice; a future in which we advocate fearlessly and persuasively for the interests of our profession.

Over the last three years, I have been working for that future as Large Firm Representative and Treasurer. I also chair the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, the Professional Conduct Committee and am the Law Society’s representative on the Legal Professional Admissions Board. I have also served as Vice Chair of the Litigation Law & Practice Committee. Although I come from a large firm, my priorities over the last three years have been focused on benefiting all areas of practice and the broader profession to make practice easier.

If re-elected, I will have four key objectives to maintain our Law Society as the strategic and representative leader of solicitors in NSW and to shape the future of the profession.

Policy debate

I’ve seen firsthand the difficulties and impact of COVID to legal practices over the last two years. I’ve also seen how our Law Society has the unique ability to influence Government policy and use its strong voice to inform decision-making. I worked with Government and the Courts on a broad range of legal issues raised by the COVID pandemic, with the goal of a justice system operating safely and efficiently during a transition to online hearings in the Federal Court.

This advocacy to improve the justice system, regulatory frameworks and the law however has a challenge: to represent all areas of practice and the broader profession. It’s a challenge I continue to work on and I am committed to ensuring that our Law Society continues to develop initiatives to assist all practitioners.

A national market

We must continue to advocate a national legal services market, in the best interests of both the profession and the Australian community. With Western Australia now a member of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Scheme alongside NSW and Victoria, approximately 75%-80% of Australia's practising lawyers are regulated by the Uniform Law to ensure legal practitioners maintain high ethical and professional standards.

If elected, I will be committed to building on this success to ensure our clients and the public across all jurisdictions are protected by consistent expectations and regulation.

A healthy profession open to all

Both foreign and homegrown lawyers all create a more diverse and inclusive legal profession. As an LGBTIQ ally at Clayton Utz, I am determined to ensure that our Law Society continues to promote equality, diversity and inclusion; continues its support of safe environments for all lawyers in the workplace and supports the creation of mentally healthy workplaces. As a Law Society Councillor, I have worked on:

• the new Workplace Guide and Model Discrimination Policy to help law firms identify and eliminate workplace harassment;

• the updated and relaunched Charter for the Advancement of Women; and

• a joint policy statement with New South Wales Young Lawyers supporting the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

An agile profession

Our workplaces are evolving, creating further challenges: online law firms (which disrupts traditional law practice); technological advances; and relentless 24/7 client demands of clients, all in an increasingly competitive market.

Our Law Society plays a central role in equipping the legal profession to take advantage of the best in these changes, and ensuring the regulatory framework responds to them. As a member of Council, I remain committed to advocating for better outcomes; to develop initiatives to meet the concerns of the profession as a whole and to listen and be responsive to critical issues that are raised in specific sections of the profession.

Vote for a collaborative team

To help ensure we have a collegiate and inclusive profession, equipped to embrace the future, I am seeking election with a group of lawyers with shared values.

To find out more about us, please visit our website at - where you can also find links to connect with us on Facebook and Linkedin. We welcome your questions and suggestions.

When you receive the invitation to vote by email on Tuesday 27 September, please take a moment to vote for:

• Jennifer Ball
• Angelo Bilias
• Anthony Gordon
• Ronan MacSweeney
• James Skelton
• Jade Tyrrell

If you prefer to vote using the ballot paper when it arrives over the coming days, please vote for the above using the “How to Vote” on our website.

Thank you for all you do to build our profession and support your local community!