James Skelton

Link: https://www.councilelections.com.au/

Candidate statement:
Currently serving as the Young Lawyer Councillor on the Law Society Council, and an Executive Councillor of NSW Young Lawyers (NSWYL) since 2015, I am acutely aware of the issues facing newer members of the legal profession. I know that together, we can help all lawyers embrace the future.

As a Young Lawyer, I have previously led the NSWYL Students and Graduates Working Group to improve engagement with universities, students and recent graduates - to support their smooth transition into the legal profession. If re-elected, I want to continue to ensure that young lawyers and their supervisors are comfortable with the expectations set - not only by the Law Society but also by themselves.

I am a member of the Law Society's Diversity and Inclusion Committee and have also led NSWYL's wellbeing and diversity activities. I seek to promote strong mental health initiatives within the legal profession at a junior lawyer level and advocate for the concept of 'belonging' in the workplace. By creating an environment where you can 'bring your whole self to work', practitioners of all ages can feel supported and we can foster a mentally healthy profession. I consider that these initiatives needn't be grand and expensive, but rather can be something as simple as flexible working arrangements to support a primary care giver or acknowledging a colleague from a culturally diverse background with a unique personal commitment.

Recently completing five years as a non-executive director with NSW based charity, the Aurora Group – A Ruby Foundation Limited, including a period as Co-Chair, I have a passion and experience in fundraising and community events, as well as corporate governance in the not-for-profit space. I hope to continue to contribute these skills to the Law Society Council and the legal profession at large as a councillor.

While contributing to the community, the Law Society's committees and NSW Young Lawyers, I aim to demonstrate 'generosity of spirit' - a core value of Swaab, the Sydney based mid-sized firm where I am a Senior Associate.

My practice has a focus on business advice, commercial and technology transactions and the commercialisation of intellectual property rights. I am also a member of the Law Society's Privacy and Data Law Committee, having previously coordinated several submissions for NSW Young Lawyers in relation to online copyright infringement, changes to the innovation patent system and the NSW inquiry into serious invasions of privacy. I believe that actively engaging with changes in technology and legal practice not only allows us to future-proof our own legal careers, but also to deliver more efficient services to our clients.

I also see changes in technology as a way of making the Law Society's services reach beyond the Sydney CBD to those members in rural and regional areas, who are crucial to their local communities but may not have the same opportunities and levels of support as colleagues in the Sydney CBD. This has been proven recently during the pandemic. If re-elected, I will urge the Law Society to continue to enhance options for collaboration between members separated by distance, and embrace technology's use as a tool for success.

I see the following issues as priorities for the Law Society and the legal profession in NSW:

1. Reflecting on current mental health support systems within the legal profession and encouraging the promotion of greater wellbeing practices within the profession.

2. Embracing new or alternative methods of legal service delivery and understanding new legal technology as it emerges, particularly in light of changes made during the pandemic.

3. Ensuring that young lawyers and their supervisors have adequate guidance and education to support practitioners in their early years.

4. Continuing to encourage greater diversity in the profession and fostering a collegiate environment founded on the concept of 'belonging'.

5. Promoting Law Society services for those of us in small and medium sized firms to help us achieve rewarding legal careers.

I am committed to representing members of the NSW legal profession and helping us to embrace the future, including by ensuring that lawyers at all stages of their careers have the skills to achieve their own career goals and advocating for technology support to enhance recent developments in the use of technology in the profession.

To help ensure we have a collegiate and inclusive profession, equipped to embrace the future, I am seeking election with a group of lawyers who share these values.

To find out more about us, please visit our website at www.councilelections.com.au - where you can also find links to connect with us on Facebook and Linkedin. We welcome your questions and suggestions.

When you receive the invitation to vote by email on Tuesday 27 September, please take a moment to vote for:

• Jennifer Ball
• Angelo Bilias
• Anthony Gordon
• Ronan MacSweeney
• James Skelton
• Jade Tyrrell

If you prefer to vote using the ballot paper when it arrives over the coming days, please vote for the above using the “How to Vote” on our website.

Thank you for all you do to build our profession and support your local community!
