Jade Tyrrell

Link: https://www.councilelections.com.au/

Candidate statement:
I am deeply committed to furthering the Law Society’s goals of improving diversity, inclusion, and equity, helping solicitors to achieve their full potential by embracing the future, and ensuring value for members through tailored service delivery and effective representation.

I am a litigation and dispute resolution Senior Associate at Johnson Winter and Slattery (JWS), and a current councillor of the Law Society. I have acted in various proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia and in numerous state courts and tribunals - with a focus on competition and consumer law disputes, defamation, as well as general commercial litigation.

In addition to my commercial work, I have a strong interest in supporting pro bono projects. I undertake pro bono work on an ongoing basis as one of two pro bono co-ordinators at JWS, assisting the firm's pro bono partners.

I am the Deputy Chair of the Law Society’s Human Rights Committee and an active member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the Litigation Law and Practice Committee.

As a current director of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, I am passionate about fighting injustice and inequality – I believe it is incumbent upon us as solicitors to use our skills and knowledge of the legal system to stand up for those who face disadvantage, discrimination, or marginalisation in our society.

The face of our profession is changing rapidly, along with the demands upon practitioners to embrace and adapt to new technologies – particularly given the innovations that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Law Society must continue to listen to its members and provide the greatest possible assistance – tailored to diverse practitioners at all levels – to ensure we can prepare for future challenges and different forms of practice.

As part of my work on the Law Society’s Litigation Law and Practice Committee, I have publicly promoted the importance of good etiquette and safety in the workplace, including through publications and commentary. I recently facilitated a Diversity and Inclusion Committee workshop for signatories to the Law Society’s Charter for the Advancement of Women, concerning the retention of highly skilled staff and remuneration equity in senior roles. This work is designed to drive policy change, and result in the development of guidance on the structural changes that are required to improve pay equity.

My involvement in a number of networks across the profession, including the Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales and NSW Young Lawyers, ensures I hear about other practitioners’ concerns and experiences first-hand. If elected, I am committed to continuing to listen to members and their needs, and effectively representing, and advocating for, those needs as a councillor.
My priorities include to:

1. Enliven change –recognising the benefit of the efficiencies that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I will advocate for systems that will embed this change where necessary to encourage ongoing innovation for the benefit of clients and practitioners, with tailored and considered approaches responsive to firm size and any rural and/or regional needs (for example, online hearings, flexible working, and hybrid meetings);

2. Empower lawyers – I will continue to promote a mentally healthy, supportive and safe working environment. This includes raising awareness of existing vital services including the confidential counselling offered by the Solicitor Outreach Service and recognising where there is a need for further services and support;

3. Ensure the Law Society continues to advocate actively for the profession on key law reform issues in a manner which is representative of the profession;
4. Continue to encourage and support greater diversity and inclusion within the profession;

5. Support young lawyers by providing firms and lawyers with the tools necessary to fulfil supervision requirements, and encouraging ongoing and adequate mentoring and sponsorship of younger practitioners – fighting for the eradication of bullying and harassment; and

6. Enhance technology as a tool for success – this includes building a technology-native legal profession sensitive to the needs of our diverse profession and ensuring the Law Society offers relevant support and services to its members.
These priorities, coupled with my experience and strong networks, enable me to be a dedicated and effective representative on Council.

To help us ensure we have a collegiate and inclusive profession, equipped to embrace the future, I am seeking election with a group of lawyers who share these values.

To find out more about us, please visit our website at www.councilelections.com.au - where you can also find links to connect with us on Facebook and Linkedin. We welcome your questions and suggestions.

When you receive the invitation to vote by email on Tuesday 27 September, please take a moment to vote for:

• Jennifer Ball
• Angelo Bilias
• Anthony Gordon
• Ronan MacSweeney
• James Skelton
• Jade Tyrrell

If you prefer to vote using the ballot paper when it arrives over the coming days, please vote for the above using the “How to Vote” on our website.

Thank you for all you do to build our profession and support your local community!
