Irfan Peerzada


Candidate statement:
This year, I am standing as a Suburban Member Candidate in the upcoming Law Society Council election.

Thank you for your time in reading this email and for providing me with an opportunity to stand as a candidate in the upcoming elections for the Law Society Council.

Being from a migrant background and now proudly Australian, it is an absolute honour and privilege to have this opportunity to be a part of this process. I belong to a typical middle-class family blessed with four children. I do understand the daily struggle and challenges of running a business as a sole practitioner or a small firm. I am the Principal Solicitor at Peerzada & Associates. On the Legal Aid panel, I represent victims of domestic violence and complex family disputes and engage in care and protection matters. In addition, I also actively volunteer with various organisations to reduce domestic violence in the migrant community by providing them with better awareness and education. Furthermore, I am also a Pro Bono Scheme Supporter of the Law Society.

Representing vulnerable people has highlighted a lack of adequate legal services available to the public, which I intend to address.

We are all aware that there will be challenging times ahead for our profession as we slowly emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown and now facing unprecedented pressure on our businesses and household due to current economic challenges.

I would like to quote from the LSJ article published on 16 September 2021, where former NSW Chief Justice The Honourable Tom Bathurst said: “ All judges of the court sympathise with those working under these difficulties and understand the pressure they are placing on practitioners.

I will need your support to address the following issues that affect all of us as professionals.

As a suburban lawyer, I am focussed on:

1. Increasing support for sole practitioners and small firms, especially in the area of mental health and well-being. We have seen the pressure and challenges of running our practice in this COVID-19 lockdown.

2. Immediate financial support from the funds for emergencies such as illness, injury or loss of family members or to the families where a sole practitioner is affected by COVID-19 and unable to work.

3. Advocating for more funding through Legal Aid for the vulnerable and disadvantaged people who require legal support in their most challenging times.

4. Mandatory mediation/reconciliation for any complaint by a client regarding a practitioner to the LSC.

6. Increasing support and mentoring for young lawyers to gain experience from Seniors during their early years as legal professionals to build their confidence in the profession.

7. Advocating for small law firms to address mental health issues that arise from the The pressure of the legal profession.

8. Lobbying for diversity, inclusion and equality in the profession

I look forward to representing your voice and actively engaging on issues that matter to you the most as an individual while practising as a lawyer.

Yours faithfully,