WONG, Jennifer Louise Lai Wah

Link: htpps://www.councilelections.com.au
Address: jennifer.wong@councilelections.com.au

Candidate statement
We live in challenging times. Government organisations are rethinking how they resource services to meet the needs of the community as a whole.

Government lawyers and the broader profession need to engage more effectively to ensure that the public interest is truly met, and the Law Society is the ideal organisation to support that engagement.

More now than ever, it is clear that the expectations and obligations of Government Solicitors are evolving, often with little acknowledgment that our workplaces are fundamentally shifting with little agency or engagement in this change. The Law Society can lobby and educate Government to improve this situation.

Government Solicitors are talented. We have a deep understanding of the public interest role we perform as advisors and representatives of all branches of Government. Our role is to effectively straddle law and policy. Our work is interesting and challenging. What distinguishes us from the rest of the profession is not our skills, not the content of the law, but the responsibilities of advising and representing Government - not being afraid to give frank and fearless advice.

As Government Solicitors our obligations are to act in the public interest and treat fairly those we are engaged to deal with. As the model litigant we are to act promptly and not take advantage of claimants who lack the resources to litigate a legitimate claim.

It is apparent that Government Solicitors need to think smarter and be creative in how we deliver services to clients that are cost effective but also of the highest professional standard. Of equal concern is how we navigate the current challenges whilst trying to maintain a work/life balance and keep our physical and mental health in check. The Law Society has an important role here for both Government Solicitors and the wider legal profession.

As your Counsellor I will be a conduit within the Law Society, supporting initiatives that increase the engagement of Government Solicitors within the organisation for the benefit of the whole profession. It is crucial that Government Solicitors are represented and actively participate in both regulatory and policy committees of the Law Society. I also believe in promoting the wider benefits of the Law Society membership that directly supports our ability and capacity to perform our various roles in Government organisations and agencies.

To ensure we have the skills and diversity of experience we need on Council, I am seeking election with two other lawyers who share my values while bringing different expertise.

To find out more about us, please visit our website at www.councilelections.com.au - where you can also find links to connect with us on Facebook and Linkedin. We welcome your questions and suggestions.

When you receive the invitation to vote by email, please take a moment to vote for:
• Lauren Absalom
• Moira Saville
• Jennifer Wong

If you prefer to vote using the ballot paper when it arrives over the coming days, please vote for the above using the “How to Vote” on our website.

Thank you for all you do to build our profession and support your local community!