MACKEN, Hugh Ignatius

Phone: 8000 9265

Candidate statement

I think I dislike having to blow my own trumpet almost as much as you dislike hearing its sound! That said, the importance of making an informed choice about who to vote for requires candidates to give some insight of who they are and what they stand for.

Clearly, I am keen for your support and your vote. Tooled up and ready to work.

It is difficult for me to do this because I don’t like to be arrogant or boastful about what has been, for me, 20 years’ service to the profession. I currently sit on Council and am the most experienced Councillor currently serving. There are almost no Council positions that I have not filled. I have served on Council committees since 1993. Indeed some of the committees that I have served on no longer exist! Specifically, I have served on as a member or chair of the following committees:

Practise Management and Professional Development

Injury Compensation Committee

Professional Conduct Committee

Licensing Committee

Ethics Committee

Costs Committee

Employment Law Committee

Litigation Law and Practice Committee

Fidelity Fund Management Committee

I have been involved in and served associated entities including being a member of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Public Purpose Fund, Law Council of Australia, College of Law and the Legal Qualifications Committee. I have been a member of the Executive and have been President of the Law Society of NSW.

I know the roles and operations of the Law Society intimately. I know why it is here, what it wants to do, how it tries to do those things and why, occasionally, it fails.

If I thought that I have no more to offer then I would not be offering myself to do more. I am, as I think all candidates are, a strong supporter of inclusion and diversity, strengthening the society, enhancing learning and development of members, adding to the support of the profession and, most importantly, putting the interests of the members first.

In relation to my back story I have an Arts Degree, a Law Degree, a Masters of Law, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury and have all the professional and personal skills to ensure the good governance and effective leadership of the Council for the members.

For work life balance I spend my time away from the law as a Captain in the Rural Fire Service and have done for over 20 years. I serve on boards of not for profit organisations, I am a Lifeline counsellor, regular blood donor and amateur aspirational farmer.

I am a Member of the Personal Injury Commission. I operate a small legal practice in the City and have been in practice for over 35 years.

Put simply there is not much I don’t know about legal practice and the role your society plays in its management and support. I operate a trust account. I pay all the required insurance premiums. I know the joys of acting for wonderful people and the sleepless nights occasioned by acting for less wonderful people. I have been at the interface between practice and the Council of the Law Society for a very very long time.

Whilst these things may leave me well experienced and with a good understanding of Council operations what make me worthy of your support is my assurance that I will put the interests of members first in all my Council deliberations.
I have, since I first came to council in 2003, framed every issue before council around the question “What is in the best interests of the members.” It is the answer to this question which has been my guiding principle in all that I have done on Council. It will continue to be.

This election sees only 3 available positions. This follows very close vote to reduce the size of council in 2022. Now more that ever there is a need for councillors to be not only selfless and motivated but also greatly experienced. When I am asked who else I will be voting for, because I will be voting for myself, I suggest that Terry Stern and Jennifer Windsor. Both these candidates have the depth of experience and best skillset to offer members in this election. I have been privileged to work on council with both these wonderful people previously and in my view they represent all that a member could ask for as their representative on the Council of the Law Society.

If you wish to contact me or discuss any matters that are of particular importance to you please email me. If elected I will serve my term with vigour and bring all my skills to ensure that the Law Society serves the interests of all its members wherever they are.

My association with the Law Society and its many committees and functions has always been a great privilege. I have been humbled to hold the roles that I have previously held. I have worked with some wonderful people both on council and in the management of the Law Society. I remain ready willing and able and seriously enthusiastic about continuing to work for members interests above all else. Yes I hold all the tools to perform this function. Your vote will hammer this home.