Ranking |
| |
Votes | |
1 |
| Proper services for people with disabilities and their carers 61% |
94 94 |
61%61% |
| | | |
2 |
| End political donations from vested corporate interests 55% |
84 84 |
55%55% |
| | | |
3 |
| Legalise Same Sex Marriages 48% |
74 74 |
48%48% |
| | | |
4 |
| Mandatory GM labelling 47% |
73 73 |
47%47% |
| | | |
5 |
| Protect and restore environmemtal river flows 46% |
71 71 |
46%46% |
| | | |
6 |
| 100% renewable energy 42% |
65 65 |
42%42% |
| | | |
7 |
| Amend the Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 to include discrimination on the basis of sexuality 42% |
64 64 |
42%42% |
| | | |
8 |
| Introduce a Carbon Tax Price 38% |
59 59 |
38%38% |
| | | |
9 |
| Change tax laws to allow single income families to live above the poverty line 38% |
58 58 |
38%38% |
| | | |
9 |
| Protect and monitor all water sources including aquifers 38% |
58 58 |
38%38% |
| | | |
11 |
| Sustainable population policy and development 36% |
55 55 |
36%36% |
| | | |
12 |
| Increase availability of affordable housing 33% |
51 51 |
33%33% |
| | | |
12 |
| Transfer transport spending from roads to public transport 33% |
51 51 |
33%33% |
| | | |
14 |
| Build a high-speed rail-line around Australia 32% |
50 50 |
32%32% |
| | | |
15 |
| Refugees- Let Them Land, Let Them Stay 31% |
48 48 |
31%31% |
| | | |
16 |
| Stop Uranium mining, no nuclear power in Australia ever! 30% |
46 46 |
30%30% |
| | | |
17 |
| Bicycle infrastructure as a fixed proportion of road spending 29% |
44 44 |
29%29% |
| | | |
17 |
| Restore trust in politics, by properly representing the Australian people on all matters in parliament 29% |
44 44 |
29%29% |
| | | |
19 |
| Federal legislation to protect valuable environmental or economic land from mining 28% |
43 43 |
28%28% |
| | | |
20 |
| Build aged care homes which are energy efficient 27% |
42 42 |
27%27% |
| | | |
21 |
| Assisted suicide and legalisation thereof 25% |
39 39 |
25%25% |
| | | |
21 |
| Build Aged Care Homes NOW 25% |
39 39 |
25%25% |
| | | |
21 |
| Legalisation of Abortion 25% |
39 39 |
25%25% |
| | | |
24 |
| Cap on foreign ownership of strategic Industries 25% |
38 38 |
25%25% |
| | | |
25 |
| Stop paying some politicians 69% superanuation 22% |
34 34 |
22%22% |
| | | |
26 |
| Protect the lives of all children (born and unborn) 21% |
33 33 |
21%21% |
| | | |
27 |
| End subsidy of road freight 21% |
32 32 |
21%21% |
| | | |
27 |
| Massively increase funding for mental health services 21% |
32 32 |
21%21% |
| | | |
27 |
| Never lie, mislead, hide behind party policy, or engage with lobby groups 21% |
32 32 |
21%21% |
| | | |
30 |
| Allow landholders/communities to implement balanced bush fire fuel reduction measures 19% |
29 29 |
19%19% |
| | | |
31 |
| Federal legislation to force referendums on sale of local, state and federal assets 17% |
26 26 |
17%17% |
| | | |
32 |
| 100% renewable energy by 2020 16% |
25 25 |
16%16% |
| | | |
32 |
| Replace the Chaplaincy Program with trained Youth Workers 16% |
25 25 |
16%16% |
| | | |
32 |
| Revoke all tax exemptions for religious 16% |
25 25 |
16%16% |
| | | |
35 |
| Increase the successful National School Chaplaincy Program 15% |
23 23 |
15%15% |
| | | |
36 |
| Re-legalisation of recreational marijuana use by adults 14% |
22 22 |
14%14% |
| | | |
37 |
| Create a government owned Peoples Bank 14% |
21 21 |
14%14% |
| | | |
37 |
| Restore farmers property rights lost under Native Vegetation laws 14% |
21 21 |
14%14% |
| | | |
39 |
| End industrial animal farming (e.g. battery hens and pigs) 13% |
20 20 |
13%13% |
| | | |
39 |
| Seek federal funds for inland rail connections from the north to the south 13% |
20 20 |
13%13% |
| | | |
41 |
| Reduce Government Spending as a % of GDP 12% |
19 19 |
12%12% |
| | | |
42 |
| Stop paying the baby bonus after the first 2 babies 12% |
18 18 |
12%12% |
| | | |
42 |
| Subsidised Cyber education & PC-filtering options, NO mandatory internet censorship 12% |
18 18 |
12%12% |
| | | |
44 |
| Build Bradfield Scheme for water inland Australia 11% |
17 17 |
11%11% |
| | | |
44 |
| Promote individual freedoms and rights as opposed to global governance and international treaties 11% |
17 17 |
11%11% |
| | | |
46 |
| All logging of native forests to end immediately 10% |
16 16 |
10%10% |
| | | |
46 |
| Confirm marriage between man and a woman for life 10% |
16 16 |
10%10% |
| | | |
46 |
| Referendum for Australia to sign any global agreement or enter into any regional/global governance structure 10% |
16 16 |
10%10% |
| | | |
46 |
| Re-orgnaise funding for the chronically ill and terminally ill people 10% |
16 16 |
10%10% |
| | | |
46 |
| Royal Commission into climate science 10% |
16 16 |
10%10% |
| | | |
51 |
| Every Australian to own their own home before retirement 10% |
15 15 |
10%10% |
| | | |
52 |
| Oppose any form of carbon tax or emissions trading scheme 9% |
14 14 |
9%9% |
| | | |
52 |
| Remove propaganda from school class rooms promoting AGW 9% |
14 14 |
9%9% |
| | | |
52 |
| Strengthen our constitutional property rights guarantee of 'just terms' compensation 9% |
14 14 |
9%9% |
| | | |
55 |
| Promote nuclear power to reduce greenhouse gasses 8% |
13 13 |
8%8% |
| | | |
55 |
| Protect life from conception to a natural death 8% |
13 13 |
8%8% |
| | | |
55 |
| Teach our Christian heritage in public schools 8% |
13 13 |
8%8% |
| | | |
58 |
| Cap election campaign spending. Standardise candidate statements like is done in Vic Local Govt 8% |
12 12 |
8%8% |
| | | |
58 |
| Formal Due Diligence processes for large impact decisions e.g. Climate Change Policy 8% |
12 12 |
8%8% |
| | | |
58 |
| Protect parents' right to use reasonable physical discipline in the training of their children 8% |
12 12 |
8%8% |
| | | |
58 |
| Substantially stop government subsidies for all forms of energy production 8% |
12 12 |
8%8% |
| | | |
62 |
| Remove the GST from fuel and freight 7% |
11 11 |
7%7% |
| | | |
63 |
| Bureaucratic 'red tape' incommensurate with the benefits provided should be minimised or eliminated 6% |
10 10 |
6%6% |
| | | |
63 |
| Scaled tax for businesses with profits over $3 million 6% |
10 10 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Australia needs a Human Rights Act 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Institite Bill of Rights and Constitution to guarantee it 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Oppose Members of Parliament holding part-time or other jobs with foreign or international entities 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Politicians wage to be the same as Average Australian wage 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Reintroduce Single Desk for wheat exports 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Stop Partial Birth abortion where boby pulledout head left inside then killed 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
65 |
| Strengthen the Trade Practices Act to stop anti-competitive behaviour 6% |
9 9 |
6%6% |
| | | |
72 |
| Break up the oil cartel 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Cease taxpayer funding of the IPCC and projects related to the AGW scare 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Collaborate not dominate in Maternity Choices 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Curb misleading consumer information on renewable energy costs and capabilities 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Increase migration, but build infrastructure 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Inform the public about the level of Australia’s known fossil fuel reserves 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Limit sales of farms, property, homes to Australian citizens and registered companies only 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Overturn unrealistic renewable energy targets in order to combat rising energy costs 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Repeal the Northern Territory Intervention laws 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
72 |
| Stop Tony Abbott introducing the paid parently scheme 5% |
8 8 |
5%5% |
| | | |
82 |
| Disallow business tax deductions for salary packages more than 5 times AWE 5% |
7 7 |
5%5% |
| | | |
82 |
| Negotiate a Treaty with Indigenous Australians 5% |
7 7 |
5%5% |
| | | |
82 |
| Promote new best practice coal fired energy generation for the forseeable future 5% |
7 7 |
5%5% |
| | | |
82 |
| Provide Internet filtering at the ISP level to protect children and reduce sex crimes 5% |
7 7 |
5%5% |
| | | |
82 |
| Remove "advancing religion" from list of tax-exempt "charitable purposes" 5% |
7 7 |
5%5% |
| | | |
87 |
| Abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission 4% |
6 6 |
4%4% |
| | | |
87 |
| Bring energy sector back into public hands 4% |
6 6 |
4%4% |
| | | |
87 |
| Change bankruptcy laws to make bankrupts more responceable for their bad debits 4% |
6 6 |
4%4% |
| | | |
87 |
| Raise the drinking age back up to 21 nationally 4% |
6 6 |
4%4% |
| | | |
91 |
| Armed Neutrality 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
91 |
| Cut public subsidies to private education and private health 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
91 |
| Parents, not courts should determine choice of medical treatment for their children 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
91 |
| Parents' right to educate children without govt. regulation or intervention 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
91 |
| Replace all marginal tax rates with a flat tax rate and a high tax-free threshold 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
91 |
| Trade Practices Act to apply to politicians 3% |
5 5 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Abandon conscience votes, and embrace true, representative democracy 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Bankruptcy reorganisation of the global financial system and a global Glass-Steagall 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Disallow electricity produced from wood-fired power plants as 'clean' energy 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Give Powers to courts to make more hasher penalty's on repeat crimes 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Lift welfare payment above the povery line 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
97 |
| Redress the government funding bias in the man-made climate change debate 3% |
4 4 |
3%3% |
| | | |
103 |
| Absolute separation of church and state as per section 116 of Constitution 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Allow sale and consumption of raw milk products - remove control by BIG dairy companies 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| AMA hands off my birth 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| I give birth. I vote 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Make per student public funding of private schools same as for public schools 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Make the Greens honest and open about all their policies 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Nationalise Telecommunications again 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Reduce the size and cost of government at all levels 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Review Food Regulations. Ban suspected carcinogens / improve food additive education and labeling 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
103 |
| Who controls birth in Australia? Women, Govt or the AMA? 2% |
3 3 |
2%2% |
| | | |
113 |
| Abolish negative gearing 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
113 |
| Ban forced medicating australian population E.g. Stop Water Fluridation 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
113 |
| Bring the troops home 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
113 |
| Drs controlling birth. What good is a female PM to us? 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
113 |
| Increase school community nurses to reduce bullying in the school and in the home 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
113 |
| Remove sex ed from public schools 1% |
2 2 |
1%1% |
| | | |
119 |
| 12 months' parental leave scheme paid for by a levy on employers 1% |
1 1 |
1%1% |
| | | |
119 |
| Immediate, Urgent action on Climate Change 1% |
1 1 |
1%1% |
| | | |
119 |
| Index income tax threshold and update to $25000 ('80s was $4000) 1% |
1 1 |
1%1% |
| | | |
119 |
| Raise company tax rate to 49% 1% |
1 1 |
1%1% |
| | | |
119 |
| Stricter controls on the claims of proponents of alternative medicine 1% |
1 1 |
1%1% |
| | | |